
Racial Profiling Term Papers

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Rufus Scales, 26 and black, was driving his younger brother Devin Scales to his hair cutting class when they heard the siren and saw the blue light flash in the rearview mirror of their black pickup. They were pulled over for minor infractions, but what happened next was nothing like a normal traffic stop. Shocked and uncertain of whether to get out of the car, he reached to restrain his brother from opening the door. A black officer had stunned him with a taser and a white officer had pulled him out of the driver seat. Temporarily paralyzed by the shock Rufus scales fell face first as he was dragged across the asphalt and suffered from and chipped tooth. He was charged with assaulting an officer even though there was no evidence of assault. He also had suffered from traffic tickets and a split upper lip that required 5 stitches. This had occurred in May 2013 but atrocities like these still take place. In our society police misconduct and racial profiling is still a reoccurring problem. According to racial profiling is the discriminatory practice by law enforcement in which they target individuals based on their race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. According to, police officers in Greensboro, North Carolina …show more content…

They target individual without any incriminating evidence of a crime and racial profiling fuels racism and hatred. To create a just and constitutional society police misconduct and racial profiling must be stopped. Police officers must suffer from severe consequences if there is any evidence of police misconduct or racial profiling. The fact that police officers committed acts of police misconduct and receive diminutive ramifications is enraging. We must monitor police activity to ensure that there will not be any acts of police misconduct. We must commence these actions to finally put an end to racial profiling and police

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