
Racial Profiling And The Second Amendment

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The relationship police officers have within the communities they serve are important aspects of maintaining public safety and order. However, this relationship has been tested as a result of long-standing problems with racial bias and discrimination. Furthermore, the police have used race as justification to make traffic stops and profile individuals. Policies such as the war on drugs have further eroded the public’s trust in law enforcement as these policies disproportionately negatively impact people of color. As a justification for racial profiling and other policies police forces and both police and government, administrations point to the need to protect the public. This paper will examine the issues of community policing, racial profiling, racial bias and erosions to the fourth amendment as they relate to these topics. After a thorough discussion of these matters, the presented information will be applied to a situation that occurred in Dearborn, Michigan. In this case, Muslim Americans were interviewed as part of routine questioning following the events of 9-11. Through this analysis, readers of this paper will have a heightened understanding of racial profiling and the consequences to public trust in police.
Community policing is one method that police forces use to enhance public safety. According to the textbook Race and Crime, “It [community policing] was touted as having benefits over the traditional policing strategy because it is a proactive approach that

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