
Rachel Vail's 'People Call Me Crazy'

Decent Essays

According to the first printed books didn’t have the name of the author or even the title printed on the covers. The covers were artworks itself, covered in drawings, leather or even gold. “People call me crazy” is written by Gary Paulsen. stated that Paulsen became a writer when he was proofreading magazines in Hollywood also working on his own stories. Gary has written over 175 books and more than 200 articles and short stories for young readers. Rachel Vail is the author for “Good Enough”. According to Rachel grew up in New Rochelle, NY and had many jobs before becoming a writer. Rachel has written over 120 books and articles but her first book ever written is “Wonder”. Both “People Call Me …show more content…

The story “People Call Me Crazy” has a setting that is important and changes the plot throughout the story. On page 17 and 18 the author wrote, “I watched him fall in the river, frame by horrible frame. Even his shouting sounded warped”(Paulsen). Based on this evidence the setting is important towards the plot because if the setting was somewhere else like at home or in neighborhood the outcome would have been different. Richie wouldn’t have fallen in river if the setting was elsewhere, this shows how the setting at the camp is important to the plot of the story. The setting caused a major problem in the story with one of the characters being put in a very dangerous situation. In contrast, the story “Good Enough” has an important setting that alters the plot. The author wrote, “ A fake? Depends on what’s real, I guess. I smiled at the A- group. “ But it’s the best present I ever got” I walked away feeling good enough”(Vail). Based on this evidence the setting is very important to the plot because the setting is at school. The setting is the reason Dori’s feelings change about the Orions shirt and eventually make herself feel good about wearing her fake Orion shirt that her mother bought her with what little money they had. “People Call Me Crazy” and “Good Enough” are different because of the way the setting affects the plot differently between the two

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