
Race Reflection

Decent Essays

]A second way that this class has challenged me was through the social justice project. For our social justice project, we had to pick a group that was underrepresented and seek to learn more information about them and share the new information with our classmates. My group chose to learn more about learning disability. One part of our project was to interview someone that represent this group. Finding someone that was opening to share their story with a class of stranger was very hard. They had to be able to trust in us that will would share their story in the right way and bring notice to something that society tends stray away from. This project was very hard for me at first. I want to be respectful of the issue and also show that I was …show more content…

The museum had an exhibit called Races: Are we so different. “This exhibition looks at race through the lens of science, history, and personal experiences to promote a better understanding of human variation. RACE tells the stories of race from the biological, cultural and historical points of view offering an unprecedented look at race and racism in the United States (“Races: Are We So Different?”, 2017).” The museum makes every visitor question the true mean of races and what does it mean to you. After exploring the museum, we went into a room to discuss what we have learned and make sure everyone has a better understanding of information that they never knew. However, instead of me being closed minded I took on a new approach to being open-minded. I challenged myself to take a leap of faith in open -up to my peers in tell my story of discrimination. I was scared at the least because it’s something that has affected me to have a certain level of resentment towards My white peers around campus. I let a group of 5 people create a record for that hinder me from building a relationship with people on campus. Taking a chance to opening-Open- up to my classmate help me destroy a record that all white people feel the same way about African

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