
Race and Corrections

Decent Essays

Race and Corrections

Sheronda Allen
Arizona State University
CRJ 305- Laura Owen

Minorities remain overrepresented in crime, offending, victimization, and all stages of the criminal justice process especially confinement. Overrepresentation alludes to a situation in which a greater part of a particular group is present at various stages within the justice system than would be expected based on its part in the general population (Rosich, 2007). Minorities have always had a larger population in the prison system and after the Civil War they were overrepresented in American prison. There are a few reasons as to why races are disproportionately which are denial of jobs, poverty, and it is felt that police have bias and …show more content…

When you look at the racial breakdown of the people incarcerated you will find that the Black population has the highest incarceration with Whites and then Hispanics/Latinos next. In 2009, there were 5,018,855 men and women being supervised on probation or parole (Gabbidon, & Greene, 2013, p. 247-282). African Americans and Hispanics consisted of 58% of all prisoners in 2008. One in six black men had been incarcerated as of 2001. Imprisonment is more common in some social groups than others and makes it easier for racial groups to fall into that stereotype. It becomes more widely expected for groups such as Black males and even Hispanics when they live in the low income communities. At some point one in three Black males and one in six Hispanics will be incarcerated at some point in their life (Berg, & DeLisi, 2006). Nationwide, African American men are confined at 9.6 times the rate of White men. Current trends show that incarceration numbers continue to grow higher each year. The United States rate of incarceration is the leading nation in rates of incarceration. Other countries have much lower percentages than the U.S. does. There a implications because of inmates reentering the prison system within three years after being released. In 1994 51.8% of inmates that had been released were back in the prison system (U.S. prison populations: Trends and implications, n.d.). Other implications

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