
Race And Gender

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Race, gender and class defines our experience. Studies have shown that, even though, these three aspects define who we are, they are interwoven. Each of these three aspects affects our decisions which could be either positive or negative. Class, race and gender as an individual is determined by our parents and If any of these changes, it would automatically change every aspect of the individual.

I interviewed two individuals and we discussed race, class, gender and what effect each has on them. The first One of the interviewee is a White-American female. She works at Glory medical clinic and weight loss, as a medical assistant. She feels that by being white, she has more advantages and opportunities than being a minority or of a different race. By being white, and part of a major race, people will respect her more and not look at her differently. She can blend into a crowed of the same kind of people and not feel different. I asked her what she meant by the word different and she said that people look down upon people that are of a inferior races than their own. She also said that, its not that people are trying to be racist, but the white race is the …show more content…

It is based on four principles: it is a trait of society, it from generations to generation, it is universal, it involves inequality. Two theorists, Karl Marx and Max Weber, are the prominent contributors. How gender, race and class plays a role in a society is clearly stated. Gender stratification occurs among men and women when men are given better recognition and opportunity than women. Feminist theory uses the conflict approach to examine the effect these social stratifiers play. Conflict theorist is of the opinion that stratification is harmful to the society. The economy benefits the upper or middle class over the working class, white over other race or skin

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