Retirement, Are You Saving Enough?
As and investor, you are overwhelmed with advice in newspapers, magazines, and mailings discussing what to invest in for a successful retirement nest egg, when to start saving for retirement and who to invest with. There are millions of people who realize that an investment portfolio for retirement is necessary, but do they really understand the investment instruments and the amount they must invest for tomorrow? The subject of retirement is a fascinating area but it also could be a fuzzy subject without the correct amount of knowledge, understanding and professional guidance. The number one question of concern for individuals facing retirement issues is whether or not they
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The trick to retirement is making the savings and investment part of that formula last as long as you do. “Traditionally, experts have advised you to invest your savings in stocks and bonds, with the ratio of stocks to bonds gradually decreasing as you get older. The rule of thumb was to have 65% of your investment dollars in bonds by your 65th birthday.” ( This rule of thumb has changed recently in order to take into account the increase in life expectancy. Now that your retirement money has to last longer, the experts are beginning to lean toward investing more of your money in the stock market and keeping it there further into retirement than you normally would. The most important notion that retirees must learn is that the longer you can go without dipping into your principal, the longer your money will last for you due to the rule of compounding of interest. There are numerous different techniques for people to use in order to retire comfortably and remain comfortable until their deaths. Since deciding how much money you need for retirement is obviously a highly personal calculation, individuals must explore the many different instruments for retirement. So how should people invest today for the future and their retirement?
“The most crucial retirement investing advice anyone can give is really quite simple: Start early, max out your 401(k), and
The term 401 (k) is one that is heard quite often in today's. Most people know that it has something to do with retirement, but few young people know exactly how 401 (k) plans work or why they are becoming more and more popular. Additionally, many people who have 401 (k) plans may not know all the details of how they work, how to get the most out of their plan, and how to keep their money safe. In reality, everyone in the business world should be aware of the details and advantages of having and managing a 401 (k) type savings plan, as it is becoming one of the most popular ways to save for retirement in the United States and many other countries.
* Plan for retirement- planning for retirement can make for a better and easy future. Planning for retirement will also help you learn how to make investments and save money
Before starting, let’s understand one thing. The amount you have in your retirement fund right now has nothing to do with how much will be there when you retire. Just because you are making poor quality contributions now means nothing, you may become very rich next year and start topping up your 401K like a member of the Hollywood elite.
I regularly encourage young people to start a 401k plan with their employer as soon as they're eligible. This is extremely beneficial because it allows you to put away money before you get your check and are tempted to do something else with that money! If someone decides to participate in their 401k plan for 20+ years, they may be able to secure themselves in a better position to enjoy their retirement. If they start contributing early before marriage, kids, mortgage, and all the other things life comes with, then they will probably continue to invest. I’m glad I started before my life became more complex. I became more disciplined to live without the extra money and continue to live beneath our means, which allowed more contributions when I got promotions or pay raises. The trend continued as a husband, kid, homes, and everything came along.
When people are asked how people will plan or rethink for retirement, the first thing that people will think about, is saving. There are some positive ways to save money, the author suggests to the readers to sign up for 401(k) plan. It is a plan help employees save for retirement, 401(k) should allow anyone to build up a nice nest egg. For example, “In Dave Ramsey’s The Total Money Makeover, for instance, he gives us “Joe and Suzy Average” who invest $7,500 per year ($625 per month) using their tax-free retirement account. They do this from age 30 to 70, getting 12 percent interest per year. At the end, they have $7,588,545 to their names.” When people invest in 401(k) plan, it is safer and more money in retirement and it also has a benefit that you don’t need to pay for tax when you take the money out. Beside 401(k), people prefer to invest money in the stock market for retirement-plan. According to author “ During a recent 40- year period,
Many professionals, young and old, are looking at investing their money in different areas. Some would choose investing on a start-up or banking it all on mutual funds. But there is one way people can invest their money for the “Betterment.”
I. (Attention Getter) Only 2 people out of the 19 responses I got from the survey have started saving for their retirement.
I. I took a survey of thirty BSU students, who are employed, to determine how many of them have started saving for their retirement.
When you are young you always hear people saying it is never too early to start saving for retirement, but at that age the last thing you want to do is put your money towards ending the career you are just trying to start. It is hard to imagine a time where you won’t have to go to work on a daily basis, to make a wage, in order to pay your bills, but the ultimate goal is getting to that time in your life where you don’t have to go to work and the bills are already taken care of. The hope for everyone is that the bills are taken care of and you are able to focus on leisurely things you did not have an opportunity for while employed. What we fail to realize is that the longer we wait to save the more we have to be concerned with the pressure of time running out and not enough money saved. Not to mention the sooner you start saving the more time you give your money to grow.
One of the very first topics that I will elaborate on is the economic aspects of my later life. As of November 13, 2016, I have had an account opened for my retirement fund. Its pertinent that I, personally have this account. I have this account to be my cushion to “fall back on” if any of my other plans for aging do not fall through. “Currently, the full benefit age is 66 years and 2 months for people born in 1955, and it will gradually rise to 67 for those born in 1960 or later.” (National Academy of Social Insurance, 2017)
Planning for retirement should not be based on Social Security alone, but rather by saving portions of personal earned wages and putting finances into long-term investments. Depending on Social Security as the only income after retiring is an unsafe and undependable way to prepare for retirement. People who contribute to Social Security are mandatorily putting money into the Social Security Reserve; this money is used for older generations that will file for these benefits before the younger people working, in the early 21 century, ever receive a chance. Money controlled by other’s hands will never be a guarantee for a secure future, yet money saved by an individual to put toward personal goals will reward greatly. By taking the time to
In the article, Advisors Involved in Financial Planning, authors Mendlowitz and Kess talks about how financial advisors are people oriented and want what is best for their clients. The authors prove that the difficulty of the financial advising processes is typically overlooked by others by stating, “The different kinds of financial advisors and their role in the overall financial planning process is difficult” (Pg.66). Many might think that financial advisors have an easy job, but there is more to it than telling people to save small amounts of money here and there. Advisors must go through several specific steps to figure out the exact amounts their clients must save. The author of this article talks about situations that a financial advisor might go through as well as how the advisor should
3. Begin with 3% of your pay going into retirement savings. Each raise/promotion you get increase it by 1% until you have reached your employer’s maximum match rate. Then add the 1% into an IRA until you have reached the percentage that results in your desired retirement account.
Both Blunt and Mathas knew this would be an uphill battle, however. Historically, investment advisors preferred to actively manage their clients’ funds, whereas an immediate annuity represented an irrevocable one-time transaction. In addition, most advisors favored a fee-based business model rather than one in which they would receive only a one-time commission. Complicating matters, research suggested that consumers were almost completely unaware of the existence or benefits of immediate annuities. Yet Mathas had faced doubts about this product before, and he genuinely believed that, in the ever-changing landscape of retirement planning, immediate annuities offered great benefits for those in or approaching their retirement years.
Mandatory retirement is perhaps a necessary evil; as older employees are forced out of the work force, it creates space for new, younger employees. Mandatory retirement is a form of age discrimination, it forces a person to retire because they are a certain age; it does not take into account if that person wants to retire. It also does not take into account the financial standing of the individual, or if they are physically or mentally still capable of doing the job.