
Questionnaire On Smoking And Smoking

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Data Collection: The study was carried out for a period of 3 months from September 2017 to November 2017. A questionnaire was developed. The researcher was trained to speak all the languages which are convenient to the participants to discuss with. The questionnaire included demographic details like age, gender, educational status and monthly income. Details of the habits such as duration of years and frequency were also included as the survey questions. Information on the prevalence of cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco use, knowledge and attitudes about tobacco use, urge for smoking cessation and training received regarding patient counseling on smoking cessation techniques were also collected from the survey. The outcome variable was smoking status, classified into categories like the current smoker and former smoker. Current cigarette smokers were defined as those who had smoked cigarettes of 100 pieces on one or more days during the previous 30 days. Those who had been smokers before, but had stopped smoking at the time of the survey, were defined as ex-smokers/former smokers. Tobacco or betel nut chewers were characterized as every day or nearly every day chewers, who had the habit for at slightest six months. Attitude towards smoking/chewing was the predictor variable. By summating the scores on attitude items this was measured in which each item was scored with one for each ‘against smoking/chewing habit’ and zero for ‘favorable to smoking/chewing

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