
Queen Victoria and Her Influence on British Society Essay

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In the year 1819, one of Britain’s greatest monarchs was born. Her name was Alexandrina Victoria. (Price-Groff 13) She would be remembered for the young age at which she inherited the throne, but also for the confidence expressed in learning to master the techniques of ruling justly. When Victoria became Queen, England was already a constitutional monarchy. Government policies (laws) were made by the lawmakers and Prime Minister of Parliament, who were elected by the people. Because of the Industrial Revolution, the British experienced rapid progression in technology. This change was enjoyed by some, while others felt threatened. (4) Victoria made her subjects feel secure by assuring them she was there to lead. Queen Victoria …show more content…

The duchess of Kent secretly hoped George IV and William IV would die before Victoria’s eighteenth birthday, because she would be pronounced regent, (a person who acts for a monarch) therefore giving Conroy a considerable amount of power also. (Price-Groff 13) In 1830, the year Victoria was eleven, King George IV died, and William was crowned King. Victoria’s nurse, Fraulein Lehzen, showed the princess a chart of the family lineage, making it clear to her that when her Uncle William died, she would inherit the throne. Governess Lehzen wrote of this episode and recorded Victoria’s response to the information made known to her: “I see I am nearer to the throne than I thought…I will be good!” (14) Two years later, Sir Conroy and the duchess planned and prepared regular tours through England. The purpose of these annual excursions was to acquaint Victoria with her future subjects, and help her gain familiarity with the people. To further prepare her, Victoria’s Uncle Leopold wrote many letters of advice on matters of state. (14, 15) On June 20, 1837, just four months after her eighteenth birthday, Victoria was paid a visit by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Lord Conyngham. (Chamberlain) These men informed her of her Uncle William’s death, but then bowed before her honoring their new Queen. Her coronation day was set for June 28, 1838. (Kirwan, 190) Victoria came to the throne, the people of

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