Abstract In a production working environment, the atmosphere can be energized by fast pace movement of production lines, equipment and people attempting to produce a quality product. The total goal of every company is to provide the best quality product that is safe and economical friendly. We live in a world where getting results and ensuring our customers are very satisfied with the end product is important. In this quest, obtaining a high standard in quality can become an issue for every major company that focuses on customer satisfaction. Within the past three months the focus on quality has been the center of attention for one company who faced major quality issues in one department. Finding solutions and eradicating those defects is now the goal in order to reach the epitome in quality for customer satisfaction. . Keywords: quality control, best practice, standardize work Finding solutions and correcting quality issues in the work place Environment The dialogue of this discussion initiated with a problem that one company was having in the area of quality issues for one particular department. Due to the relevant nature of quality issues, quick decisions is needed on how to eradicate the quality concerns. There is somewhat erratic results in the area of quality produced by mechanics. The management team
However, if the cost of “perfection” is so expensive that the company cannot be profitable, it is not realistic to spend too much on a zero defect mindset. Instead the company must first identify what an acceptable percentage of defects is and where the defect could have been prevented. Then the company can further quantify which cost of quality is presenting the greatest risk and put procedures and policies in place in an attempt to minimize defects. Since prevention costs many times are considered the least expensive and can have the biggest affect on non-conforming products most companies will focus its initial and largest efforts into prevention. The next initiative would be appraisal and last would be identifying
Concerning the quality of education offered and the employee’s needs to be an active participant in the quality improvement process, and thus they should feel that they are responsible for the quality provided. This implies that the employees should be encouraged to make suggestions that are geared towards improving the quality offered through airing their opinions without fearing the unknown circumstances that may arise such as reprisal. Moreover, there is the need for a systematic procedure that will help to will not only help to involve the workers but also will be keen towards soliciting their input. This is because the endeavor to improve the product quality is far much better compared to the cost of poor quality which exceeds the cost of attaining the best quality.
This week’s assignment is about evaluating the quality issues of three organizations. The three sectors I chose to evaluate are manufacturing, service and government. I will then discuss the importance of quality to each organization, the relationship of quality to customers, the leadership commitment to quality and the alignment of quality to the organization’s strategic goals and objectives.
Quality can be greatly affected internally within an organization. Considering that internal factors can be monitored and controlled mainly from within, it is considerably easier to manage, though these factors have a much more direct and immediate effect on the organization where the management responsibility lies. Internal contributors that factor into quality outcomes include leadership styles, administrative policies, and organizational culture. These factors, if not performed to standard or with minimal empathy can cause stress among staff indirectly affecting the consumers. An unpleasant environment may lead to a low morale and dissatisfaction throughout the organization. (Suchman, A., 2001)
The following is an attempt to analyze AT&T's use of Total Quality Management throughout its organization. Since AT&T is an elaborately enormous corporation I will focus my study to AT&T Power Systems/Lucent Technologies. This division of AT&T has been the industry standard for excellence since TQM was first introduced to the company. AT&T Power Systems has become one the world's most dynamic companies because of its use of TQM. I will provide a brief description of who AT&T Power Systems is, a description of the events that lead up to its use of TQM, AT&T's TQM philosophy, and how this philosophy was implemented. Finally I will discuss the benefits AT&T Power Systems realized through their use
From 1940 to present, Project Management has continuously advanced from line managers using a small set of processes that were considered nice to have to the formal assignment of one individual assigned as the Project Manager that utilized a formal methodology by which to manage the project. Often the term “best practices” is referenced within a defined methodology. Why must an organization capture best practices? What are the determining factors in base-lining a best practice? Can an organization have too many best practices? What are the impacts of establishing too many best practices that mandated by senior management for use on all projects?
With the expected growth in the allied health sector in the coming years due to increased patient care demands, healthcare organizations in the United State will need to take steps to maintain a high quality of care. These steps will include ways to ensure that well trained staff are hired, adequate new staff on the job training and orientation, continuous review of policies for improvements in safety, care, risk management and quality assurance. In addition to focusing on the integration of the incoming allied health personnel, healthcare organizations are expected to review how care is currently provided, and find new ways to provide care and meet the great increase in demand for care.
Our company should make sure that manufacturers deliver products with the highest design specification, in order to be order-winner quality conformance, by delivering products with no defects (Hill and Hill, 2012). Furthermore, improvements in quality lead to a decrease in cost for the company. According to (Evans, 1997) higher quality products lead to a decrease in costs for the company through higher productivity: ‘improvements in quality leads to lower cost because of less re-work, fewer mistakes, fewer delays and snags’ (Evans 1997, P.55).
The process of quality measures the requirements for satisfaction pertaining to the end product. Consequently, quality measures integrity, customer satisfaction in addition to a level of personal satisfaction. Therefore, when a process is out of control, individuals risk the chance of a high level of customer dissatisfaction as well as additional company expenses to fix or correct the problems. Nonetheless, non-conformance records require a documented report identifying the nonconformance discrepancy and a disposition for correction or rework of the defected area(s) during the assembly process of the
The Utilization Management Program of the Naval Hospital Guam facility is one which is designed to ensure that high quality, cost efficient health care is delivered to all members of the community. The Utilization Management Division is responsible for implementing a Utilization Management Plan which will monitor the appropriate usage of the health care facilities, services and its resources. These services may include utilization reviews, case management, discharge planning and outcome-based evaluations. The Utilization Management Program is completely planned and put into action by this division. It is also responsible for coordinating and monitoring access to care, developing programs, and evaluating
Yasin and Alavi (1999) conducted a quantitative study to determine if Total Quality Management (TQM) can produce quality improvement
External customer requirements may be gathered and transformed into specific, actionable process improvements using quality function deployment, a well- structured product development process which dictates what the market requires into a program to create, manufacture, and deliver it. However, teams should collaborate to arrive at a common understanding of the customer needs and determine the appropriate technical requirement of each stage. As soon as customer expectations are met, customer satisfaction will improve, resulting in a take-back of market share and an increase in revenue.
This work is done to study the improvement of the quality in automobile industry. This chapter consists three sections named as “Problem definition”, “Objectives” and “Methodology of the study” respectively. The section 3.1 named as “Problem definition” describes the challenge or difficulty that is to be solved. The solution may be achieved after fulfilling the objective by using some sub-objectives that are described in section 3.2 named as “Objectives”. The methodology described in section 3.3 in details. This methodology has been devised keeping in mind the view of “Problem definition” and the “Objectives” that are suggested for the fulfilment of the solution for the problem.
Quality is never an accident it is always the results of high intention, sincere efforts, intelligent directions and skillful execution, it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.
Andrei Octavian PARASCHIVESCU and Florin Mihai CAPRIOARA depict the way companies may enhance the performance quality known as a performance action plan, in providing to employees the opportunity to reach a quality performance while holding them liable for past performance. In addition, both authors argue that it is vital to open a true dialog and feedback from the voice of the customers to the stakeholders. Thus, managers must expand a Strategic Quality Management approach to build an affiliation between the corporate strategy and the quality management policy. In this article summary, we will focus on the method; organizations can widen an inspiring Strategic Quality Management approach, through the core concepts of SQM. Moreover also, we will demonstrate new methods of using SQM to improve, and sustain businesses expansion.