
Quality Control, Best Practice Essay

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Abstract In a production working environment, the atmosphere can be energized by fast pace movement of production lines, equipment and people attempting to produce a quality product. The total goal of every company is to provide the best quality product that is safe and economical friendly. We live in a world where getting results and ensuring our customers are very satisfied with the end product is important. In this quest, obtaining a high standard in quality can become an issue for every major company that focuses on customer satisfaction. Within the past three months the focus on quality has been the center of attention for one company who faced major quality issues in one department. Finding solutions and eradicating those defects is now the goal in order to reach the epitome in quality for customer satisfaction. . Keywords: quality control, best practice, standardize work Finding solutions and correcting quality issues in the work place Environment The dialogue of this discussion initiated with a problem that one company was having in the area of quality issues for one particular department. Due to the relevant nature of quality issues, quick decisions is needed on how to eradicate the quality concerns. There is somewhat erratic results in the area of quality produced by mechanics. The management team

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