
Qualitative And Longitudinal Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

The purpose of this investigation was to use qualitative and longitudinal analysis to learn about the perceptions of elementary age students who are transitioning into middle school. The participants of this study included 331 fifth grade students in a large, rural, Southeastern public school district. The students came from three different elementary schools, but would all be entering into the same large middle school. This investigation consisted of four phases, the first beginning in January of the participants’ fifth grade year and the second in May. The third and fourth phases took place after the students had transitioned into middle school, one being completed in August and the fourth phase in December. During the investigation students were asked to complete three questionnaires and one writing assignment. The writing assignment, given during phase one of the investigation, gave the participants the opportunity to write any questions they had about middle school. The questionnaires used in the proceeding phases elicited responses regarding the following topics: Students’ concerns about middle school, the positive aspects of middle school, who the students would turn to for help, what they think middle school will be like, and what they think is important to know about transitioning to middle school. The results of the study …show more content…

During the question portion of our presentation, and in this research article, the students wanted to know as much as they could about things like, “What happens if you are late for class?” and “Which side of the hallways are we supposed to walk on?” When asked this question in December of their sixth grade year, the students still indicated the same concerns. This information affirms that the students I will be working with will most likely need more than one introduction to the school rules and procedures throughout the

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