
Quadir Anger

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QP engaged Quadir in participating in a CBT activity geared towards anger management. QP explained to Quadir that the activity will learn how to respond to anger and develop a plan for managing anger. QP assisted Quadir in developing an anger management plan. QP asked Quadir to list some behavior that he thinks he need to have better control of. QP asked Quadir to list the things that triggers his anger response. QP asked Quadir to list some things can help him to calm down when he gets angry. QP brainstormed with Quadir negative reaction to anger. QP discussed with Quadir the five basic steps to resolving anger. QP examined with Quadir, how he handle anger responses and anger feelings once they are triggered. QP asked Quadir to think of a …show more content…

QP asked Quadir to examine the questions such as, “why do I like things to always go my way, is it to my advantage to become upset or to express my anger and rage to others and what can I do to handle my anger better”. QP discussed with Quadir, how to keep track of his anger responses. QP examined with Quadir anger thoughts that helps to escalates anger responses in people. QP asked Quadir to rate his response to anger on a scale of 1 to 10. QP practice with Quadir exercise for overcoming anger. QP asked Quadir to identify the things he can control when he get angry. QP asked Quadir to explain, what he could have done differently in his last anger outburst. QP asked Quadir, to explain in his last angry outburst, if he was choose his reaction to the situation or her responded too quickly without thinking about the consequences or the outcome. QP discussed with Quadir, how to put anger into prospective. QP examine with Quadir the advantage and disadvantages of holding on to anger. QP assisted Quadir in identifying affirmation that can help with anger triggers. QP practice with Quadir the “I statement” and positive self-talk that can help in anger

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