
Purple Flower

Decent Essays

The main goal of our group project was to use a series of different laboratory techniques to build a phylogenetic tree, or a graphical representation of the evolutionary lineage and relations of a set of organisms. Essentially, we aimed to isolate the 5.8S rRNA (a small RNA molecule found in the ribosome) in a collected specimen. After collecting our samples on a field trip, we analyzed their physical characteristics. I chose to collect a sample of a purple flower. A few defining characteristics of my flower were its elliptic leaf shape, rounded leaf bases, petiolate attachment, and monochasium inflorescence type. After close analysis, I was able to identify my sample as a petunia. Next, we extracted and purified our samples using liquid nitrogen, …show more content…

After analyzing my gels using a UV light, I was able to conclude that my PCR was indeed successful. Then, I proceeded to isolate my DNA sample in order to send it for sequencing. I accomplished this by cutting it from the gel, dissolving it into a solution, and centrifuging the solution many times between a myriad of washes. When my sequences came back, I analyzed the results using FinchTV. Overall, my sequence was clear and “noise” was minimal. Furthermore, the computer did not have much trouble identifying my peaks as specific nucleotides. For the most part, I had very few “N’s” in my sequence. Next, I copied and pasted my individual sequence into BLAST in order to compare my results with other sequences within the NCBI database. My sequence matched a myriad of petunia integrifolia samples. My maximum score was 833 and my E value was 0 which indicated an excellent match. My BLAST results did indeed match the observations I made during the field trip; thus, I had correctly identified my plant in the beginning steps. Next, I used a program called Cluster Omega to align my sequence with other students sequences in order to isolate my 5.8S rRNA gene.

Finally, I had obtained enough data to construct a phylogenetic tree. By using each student’s results and twelve additional sequences provided by the instructor, I was able to construct a tree using another feature of Cluster Omega. My original sample was included in the final tree; it was located in a clade along with other flowering plants with similar characteristics. The most closely related organism to my petunia integrifolia was the vicia faba plant. This relationship was expected as the two plants share similar elliptic leaf shapes, petiolate leaf attachments, erects habits, and similar

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