
Puppy Monkey Baby Commercial Analysis

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The Puppy Monkey Baby is a CGI character in an advertisement for Super Bowl 50, which was hosted on February 7, 2016. This character has received many reviews, reactions, and fandom in some cases. It begins with three friends sitting on a sofa watching television, but when one states that he is thinking about staying a strange creature emerges from the wall with a bucket filled with ice and mountain dew in one hand a baby rattle in the other. It awkwardly walks towards them chanting, “Puppy, Monkey, Baby”. The creature then jumps on the table and begins to dance as it chants. Before the friends can react the creature kicks over the bucket, and begins to lick one of the friend’s faces as another drinks a Mountain Dew. The friends are obviously pleased, and as the creature begins to leave the music jacked up, and three friends begin to dance as the follow the creature out of the room. As the four of them walk down the hall the words, “Three Awesome things combined” appear on the screen and a deep soothing voice says, “Mountain Dew Kickstarter” and says the first of the three of the four words that appear on the screen, “Dew, Juice, Caffeine, Combined”. The final image of the commercial is the Puppy Monkey Baby licking a can of …show more content…

The music is catchy and is designed to make a person want to dance. The voice at the end is smooth, cold, and very common in the advertising business. While the voice of the man is common the voice of the creature is inhuman and borders on terrifying. It is the sound of the baby rattle draws the most attention by reminding you that the lower half of this creature is a baby, which plays on the human psyche. Humans are naturally drawn to babies, and in many horror films the depiction of young children is used to create fear and discomfort. The commercial also uses this same tactic with great

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