I will be going into depth about a family vacation in Punta Cana that my lovely girlfriend had the chance to come along with. This was my second trip to this destination once while I was younger with only my parents and sister. But for the next time much more of my family got the opportunity to come along. The main reason being because my cousin was getting married here but everyone was also looking for a relaxing vacation. Punta Cana is a warm tropical destination and was the perfect place to do so. The views in this country are breathtaking. This place is also a very poor third world country outside of the resorts which we were staying at.
This trip was probably my favorite vacation because it united my family in good way. I had a great
Visiting a different island in the Caribbean each summer has always been a family tradition of mine. The first few years never failed to make me fall in love with each and every one of them, but once my family suggested on visiting Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, the eighth year, my thoughts were not so hyped. Going to the same sea each year can get old and boring. When we finally got to Punta Cana, falling in love was too short of a term to describe what I felt for it. As soon as we landed we were greeted with songs and happiness all around. The nobleness lingering in the atmosphere, coconut smell in the air, and architecture went beyond my imagination.
Punta Cana is a gorgeous place to explore, si vas para tu honeymoon, o si nadamas nececitas [ ] vacación.
Pictured above: Portrait of George M. Cohan, 1933. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. Reproduction Number LC-USZ62-124301 DLC.
The night before we left for ecuador we were invited to spend the night at Renbrook. That night was the beginning to our bonding, we got pizza and watched a movie and everyone had a great time. Even though we had an early morning flight the next day, we still stayed up until 12 because we were having so much fun. The next morning was rough we had to wake up at 4 to drive to John F. Kennedy airport. We took two flights one to Columbia and then one to Ecuador. When we got to ecuador we first went to our hotel a small one but very nice considering we were in a third world country. For the next week we would be bonding, going on bike rides, walking in caves, and white water rafting. The first week was so fun and I learned so much about everyone on the trip including some new things about myself. After the first week was over I was completely immersed in the ecuadorian culture and the other people on the trip felt like family to me. I did not know it yet
Hola, One of the many of words i learned during my stay in Punta Cana. The best vacation ever and all the credits goes to the staff at Sanctury Cap Cana. The first day of arrival, Caesar greeted us with champagne,cold towels and the biggest smile that never faded. We stayed in the castle and was treated with royalty. It didn’t matter whether you had a butler cause everyone on staff would be there to assist you. The housekeepers did an outstanding job. I met Nancy whom worked on the third floor so sweet and accommodating, she would always ask are we okay , truly a wonderful spirit. We had the option to request pickup to take us where ever we needed to go We walked most of the time because we was so amazed at the beautiful flowers and the
Propaganda was used to help encourage people in the nation to fight in the war and to make sence why their country had involved themselves in the war. Propaganda was used to promote patriotism and nationalism inside a country. For propaganda to work it needed to be closely related with the feelings that the country felt. Many different types of propaganda were used for it in to reach a larger audience and make the propaganda less obvious. Some of they types of propaganda they used were posters, slogans,and music.
The time I went to Las Bahamas was a very special time for me and my family. In there I had a lot of good memories but I think that some are more special that others.
My family has gone on many vacations, but the vacation to Cancun over Thanksgiving is the one I will always remember. My grandma took our whole family on a vacation to Cancun. There were many interesting events that took place on this trip that I will always remember. Every morning waking up to the amazing view of the ocean with the waves roaring to shore. We would spend our days hanging out by the pool and riding the massive waves at the beach. Playing basketball in the pool with the family is a circus trying to score.
have you ever been to on a trip with your family ? i have it was so cool and fun and i learned a lot I went to hawaii this year We went to hawaii because of the 75th anniversary of pearl harbor It was attacked 1941 december 7 The person who wanted to bomb pearl harbor was japanese admiral Isoroku Yamamoto Also my sister performed for 75th anniversary of pearl harbor
My family and I left for Panama city, Florida in June of 2011. The trip was so fun; we sang songs and laughed hysterically during the whole ride there. When we arrived we were all ready for the beach warm sand and it’s cool waves. We stayed at the beach until about nine and everyone prepared for dinner. Once everyone settled in we sat and ate dinner, as always the dinner was great with my family. Everyone talked about any and everything; we even cracked jokes on each other.
I went on a trip this summer to Maui, Haiti with my family for a mission trip. My mom has been going for over five years now and she loves the experiences each time we go as much as I do. This summer was my first time traveling to Haiti and I already fell in love with the place and people there. When I first landed in the Haitian airport, I already could see such a dramatic change they have there and how different an airport looks in America. My family and I went outside after our bags were checked and met up with my moms best friend, Arnold. When I met him I was so happy to finally see him and talk to him since my mom knew him for so long. From there I knew my next three weeks here will be the best and most amazing experiences I will ever have.
I started this journey filled with nervous excitement and anticipation of traveling without my family to a foreign land. On my return trip I thought of what extravagant lifestyles we Americans live. If I had never traveled to Costa Rica I think I would still be taking things for granted and I learned to appreciate what I have. The Costa Ricans had very little, but they made the absolute best of what they did have. They are very different from us, Americans because our happiness comes from material objects. They were pleased with being able to share their knowledge, culture and language with us. As the Costa Ricans say Pura Vida meaning pure
With school budget cuts, and no music instruments, more and more people are beginning to realize the benefits of having music in education. Providing music as part of education helps develop intelligence that leads to greater success in school and in life. Everyone from VH1 Save The Music to The National Association For Music Education agree that, “Every student in the nation should have an education in the arts.” These two companies are doing everything they can to get out the information about music, and the importance of resorting music education as part of the core curriculum.
I have never been so jubilant in my life to go to one place. The anticipation was so overwhelming, and I could not take any more of it. We got to the resort after a twenty-minute bus ride, and the view was breathtaking. I stepped off the bus, and I could remember seeing the beautiful palm trees and feeling the heat of the sun beating on my face. I said to my dad, finally we made it and let the fun begin. We got settled in and checked in the hotel. My brother and I decided to check the rest of the resort out. The resort had a crystal clear pool with a bar in it. It was unbelievable, and I have never seen anything like it before in my life. It had ten gourmet restaurants and plenty of entertaining things, for us kids to do. So, after we did this, we went back to our hotel and stayed in for the night and just wanted to get some
My favorite vacation, so far, is one I went on in September 2015 with my friends Alissa and Jaidah. We all share fandom interests. On the weekend of September 19, my brother went away to spend his birthday with my dad. My mom shook me awake and informed me I could bring two friends along to a room in the Dells that we would be occupying. Almost immediately I thought of the duo. I ran downstairs and texted both of them while packing a bag. They texted back not too long after, and I told them my mom and I would pick them up anywhere from 10-11 that Saturday morning. We picked up Alissa and she tried to direct us to Jaidah’s house, but she wasn’t thorough with her