
Psychotherapy Informative Speech

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Are you feeling sad, depressed, anxious or not able to concentrate? Do you want to communicate effectively with your partner, children, friends, and co-workers? Are you noticing that your teenagers may not be heading down the right path at school or socially? Is your anger interfering with your self-esteem as well as your relationships? Are you aware that you are acting in ways that are stopping you from meeting your goals? Are you having problems with self-esteem? Is it difficult for you to express your anger constructively? How are you coping with grief whether it is the loss of a spouse, parent, child,job or pet? How are your coping skills for life's challenges? Do you want to be a better model for your children so they can grow up …show more content…

Psychotherapy or counseling is a journey into yourself to discover why you do the things you do, what choices you have made or will make,and what stands in your way of obtaining your goals. Change is inevitable for all, so it is time to explore and choose your path. What matters most is not what happens to you, but how you interpret and react to life events. One of the goals of psychotherapy is to integrate the past with the present and have an organized realistic hope for the future. I can help you to reveal and strengthen your "true self". As a caring individual with over twenty-two years of experience I have worked with individuals, couples, and families regarding matters of:depression, anxiety, communicative difficulties in relationships, grief and loss issues, divorce-dissolution, domestic violence, and adults with traumatic pasts, as well as job-related stress and interpersonal conflicts. I am highly respectful of each individual and create a safe environment. In marital or family therapy, I respect and honor the different perspectives of each person so that their journey's can begin towards improving communication skills; lessen their defenses and resolving personal conflicts so they can have more intimate connections in their lives. In other words, a healthy pattern of relating can begin not only in marriage but in all

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