Depression is not discriminatory, it can affect anyone at any point throughout their lifespan. From the psychosocial process to the biological process, depression distresses the mind, body and soul. Individuals with depression are facing unbreakable challenges every day. Challenges faced by clients with depression include: personal labeling, caution for further diseases, career losses, and in general their daily life is hindered. Depression causing all these challenges in the patient, also puts a major stress on the clinician working with them. Clinicians must acquire communication and motivational skills to be able to appropriately interact with patients suffering from depression. When patients suffer from depression it can inhibit the …show more content…
Depression being such a widespread disorder is often not taken seriously as a major disorder. Depression can hinder the ability to heal a small wound to breaking apart families. When struck by depression ones’ normal way of living in society can come to an abrupt stop. Which leads to the psychosocial process a patient partakes while dealing with depression. The psychosocial processes a patient with depression must endure is not tranquil. The countless thoughts that’s going in the mind reflect how patients interact in society. Since depression doesn’t affect everyone identical, one client may pull their self from society while others throw themselves right into the middle of society. In theory the basic human instinct is to fix what is broken and cure what is hurt. The actions patient’s display while depressed demonstration this theory. A study in japan consisted of equal numbers of both men and women over the age of 65 and observed there daily habits they exhibited while suffering from depression. While the male population had a tendency to to stay to themselves and withdraw from others, the females threw themselves into social clubs, family events, and anything else to take their mind off of depression (Arai, Ishida, Tomimori, Katsumata, Grove, Tamashiro, 2007, p. 547). While these people suffered from depression they did things they would normally do. Their physiological being of knowing something is wrong with them influenced
“Recent data estimate the overall prevalence of depression at about 11.1% of the American population, or nearly 35 million individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). A predictive models suggest that up to 50% of the population will experience at least one episode of depression during their lives” (Life Extension, 2014). Depression has negatively affected the lives of many individuals throughout the world. Look around you there may even be someone close to you that is demonstrating signs of its stifling affects. Depression does not discriminate with its suffocating
Depression is a disorder that is a very prevalent disorder amongst the United States population as a whole. This disorder can be
Some of my peers sought out medical treatments and therapy sessions. However, most of my peers never reached out for help; they concealed their depression as sadness, treated their depression as a temporary condition, and ignored their depression due to their fear of being ostracized by society. My curiosity with depression stems from wondering how I was able to overcome my difficulties and to continue pursuing a difficult career, yet others cannot. I wanted to understand the physiological mechanisms and the social factors of depression. I wanted to understand why depression such a big societal stigma. Finally, I wanted to understand how depression can be treated
Depression is classified as a mood disorder by the DSM-IV (1994) and is defined as a mental illness characterized by sadness, general apathy, a loss of self-esteem, feelings of guilt, and, at times, suicidal tendencies (Lexicon, n.d). Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses that individuals receive treatment for today. In any six-month period, 9.4 million Americans, and 340 million people in the world, suffer from this disease. One in four women and one in 10 men will develop depression during their lifetime (An Overview of Depression, n.d). Although the DSM-IV has defined depression, its etiology, contributing factors, and interventions differ among the schools of thought in psychology. One such example is the different
Depression is a serious illness that should not be taken lightly. It is considered a mental and mood health disorder that disrupts the lives of many making them feel as though they can’t get through daily
Researchers believe depression must be treated as a disorder. Manber et. al (2008) worked with participants through CBASP to help them improve their interpersonal effectiveness, since those struggling with depression are often introverted. Depression, major depressive disorder, is not a state of mind that can be cleared but a psychological disorder that must be treated through antidepressant medication and psychotherapy (Manber et. al 2008).
Depression hits its victims in different ways. Some deal with it better than others. Some ignore it. Some take care of it as soon as they realize there is a problem. Some don't take care of it until it’s too late. Some know there's a problem, but they don't know how to tell someone. Some try to tell someone there's a problem but they don't listen.
Depression affects men and women of all shapes and sizes. The difference only comes in the degree it affects an individual. As much as it is more common in women, it is easier for women to deal with it than men. I chose this topic in order to show and explain that depression is not a weakness, and men should not shy away from dealing with it. Instead, seek help in the early stages. I have learned the importance of sensitizing the society to embrace depression in men and help them feel more comfortable coming out of
Depression is actually a quite common status of the human brain that can lead to other things that can affect more intensely. Treatment also varies throughout different cases because everyone can deal with it in a different manner and not all the solution impact every individual in the same manner that it impacts others. Depression as seen now is seen in different ways that can be fairly different. Depression in people can be compared to a virus. Although most viruses have vaccines, viruses are constantly mutating and changing. As virus change they learn to adapt and become stronger and harder to fight off. Depression in different people is the same, it is not the same in everyone and it does not show in the same manner for every person that gets it. Although it may be different in every person, depression does have a few symptoms that do not change and other things that allow people to determine and call it depression. Some of these
The main problem with society and depression is the stigma that comes with the disease. Everyone thinks that people who are depressed are completely different from the other people who surround them. Society sees them as less of a human and treats them that way. People who do not have depression have a tendency to sort out the people who do. They might notice their “irritability, loss of interest in previously loved hobbies, including sex” (Wexler). Depression has evolved into a much bigger problem than it actually is, all because of the way the public perceives the disease. This is a problem that concerns people today because the people that suffer from depression have a substantial reason to be the way they are. These men and women do not
There exists a great deal of misunderstanding and misinformation among the American public regarding depression. While depression is recognized as a clinically diagnosable and treatable mental illness the term is also commonly used by lay people to describe nothing more that a "depressed" mood. This casual reference to a serious medical condition discounts its validity and creates a stigma for those with true depression. In fact many view depression as nothing more than an emotional weakness in others (Blonna, 1996).
Sadness is how the human being reacts to the loss of a loved one, the struggles of life, the disappointments, and the frustrations. Although it is a normal feeling in all these situations, there is a broad difference between being sad and being depressed. Unlike normal feelings of sadness, depression overwhelms a person, last a long time, and interferes with his or her day-to-day life. According to the World Health Organization in 2010, depression was reported as the most common mental disorder; it affects 120 million people globally and is among the leading causes of disability. The person that suffers from depression has to deal with being misunderstood and under-diagnosed on a daily basis, which leaves the patient with physical,
In today’s society depression is referred to as the “common cold of the mental health problems.” More than 5 percent of Americans have depression, that equates to an astonishing 15 million people. It is said that 1 out of every 6 people has had a “major”
Researchers are uncertain as to what goes on in ones mind and life thats causes depression. Some believe that the neurotransmitters, a chemical that the brain uses to communicate, combined with outside factors - stress, loneliness, illness, and even genetics - can cause one to become depressed (Depression (Major Depression Disorder)). Most do not realize that depression is a biological disease/disorder, in truth, one third of Americans are under the belief that depression is a weakness of either personal or emotional (Diverse). Those that suffer from this disorder do not realize it or do not want to admit there is anything wrong (Berglas). It is important to identify and recognize that one has a problem, depression may be called the “common cold of mental illness” (University of Texas) but if left untreated, just like the common cold, it has the potential to become worse - even fatal. Once a problem has been identified, most people can be treated with medication and psychotherapy, but in some cases the true cause may never be known.
Life will not be perfect all the time. Sometimes, we might suffer from failure and sadness in our daily life, but all we need to do is think positively and try to solve every problem. However, people in the society nowadays always live under pressure and stress, if people hide their feeling and pressure all the time they will likely to suffer from depression. What is the meaning of depression? Depression can actually affect people’s thought and feelings, people who suffer from depression may feel sad, hopeless and lose their direction in doing things. Even though depression is a common illness in the society, people still consider depression as a sensitive topic and does not talk much about it. In fact, people have to be aware of this serious problem and try to overcome depression by standing strong together with people who suffer from this mental illness and stop the ignorance toward this group of people.