
Psychosocial Processes and Interaction Skills Needed When Working with the Client with Depression

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Depression is not discriminatory, it can affect anyone at any point throughout their lifespan. From the psychosocial process to the biological process, depression distresses the mind, body and soul. Individuals with depression are facing unbreakable challenges every day. Challenges faced by clients with depression include: personal labeling, caution for further diseases, career losses, and in general their daily life is hindered. Depression causing all these challenges in the patient, also puts a major stress on the clinician working with them. Clinicians must acquire communication and motivational skills to be able to appropriately interact with patients suffering from depression. When patients suffer from depression it can inhibit the …show more content…

Depression being such a widespread disorder is often not taken seriously as a major disorder. Depression can hinder the ability to heal a small wound to breaking apart families. When struck by depression ones’ normal way of living in society can come to an abrupt stop. Which leads to the psychosocial process a patient partakes while dealing with depression. The psychosocial processes a patient with depression must endure is not tranquil. The countless thoughts that’s going in the mind reflect how patients interact in society. Since depression doesn’t affect everyone identical, one client may pull their self from society while others throw themselves right into the middle of society. In theory the basic human instinct is to fix what is broken and cure what is hurt. The actions patient’s display while depressed demonstration this theory. A study in japan consisted of equal numbers of both men and women over the age of 65 and observed there daily habits they exhibited while suffering from depression. While the male population had a tendency to to stay to themselves and withdraw from others, the females threw themselves into social clubs, family events, and anything else to take their mind off of depression (Arai, Ishida, Tomimori, Katsumata, Grove, Tamashiro, 2007, p. 547). While these people suffered from depression they did things they would normally do. Their physiological being of knowing something is wrong with them influenced

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