
Treating Depression: A Personal Battle or a Combination of Professional Treatments?

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Each year, 19 million Americans are affected by clinical depression, sometimes resulting in suicide (Emedicinehealth, 2011). This clinical depression is not merely a feeling of sadness. The illness affects every day activities and performance. Though there are different types of clinical depression, the most extreme case is major depressive disorder. The reoccurring disorder often prevents individuals from enjoying usually pleasurable activities and causes physical symptoms (Emedicinehealth, 2011). These individuals search for coping mechanisms and possible treatments. Seu (2008), a WORLD magazine writer, boldly stated that depression can be overcome by personally clearing your mind, living as though you are not depressed, and relying …show more content…

Researchers believe depression must be treated as a disorder. Manber et. al (2008) worked with participants through CBASP to help them improve their interpersonal effectiveness, since those struggling with depression are often introverted. Depression, major depressive disorder, is not a state of mind that can be cleared but a psychological disorder that must be treated through antidepressant medication and psychotherapy (Manber et. al 2008). Secondly, the author of the WORLD magazine article boldly states that “You can talk to a depression, rebuke it…The beast will put up a fight, but it will not be your master (Seu 2005).” The overarching theme is that your spirituality will give the mind-power to move past a phase of depression. There is little to no research evidence supporting Seu’s suggestion, since major depressive disorder is often recurrent or chronic and needs professional treatment (Manber et al. 2008). If trying to clear one’s mind and talking oneself out of depression fails, Seu (2005) says the best way to handle depression is by plunging in and helping others. He continues by suggesting that you must focus on others’ needs and simultaneously, your depression will start to disappear (Seu, 2005). Seu’s last piece of advice is to live as though you are not depressed. By choosing to ignore the issue, a person can move on. Seu says to think, “I'm depressed. So what?” He tells those

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