
Prostate Cancer : A Common Medical Term Essay

Decent Essays

Prostate Cancer
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Cancer has become a common medical term in today’s history. Cancer has facilitated to the significant increase in deaths in many nations, both in developed and third world countries. In fact, there’s a rise in trend of cancer since the year 1995.The medical reports suggests that since 1995, nearly 2,600,000 men in the United States have been diagnosed with cancer disease (American Urology Association, 2007). Furthermore, the National Cancer Institute has spent billions on Prostate cancer research since November 2005(American Urology Association, 2007). Because of these reasons, cancer, precisely prostate cancer has become a major catastrophe that needs to be seriously looked into or else it is going to gradually wipe our entire population.
There are many medical reasons that define the origin of cancer. The main significant reason is that, cancer develops when cells in human body begin to evolve out of control. It is as a result of this that, there are different sort of cancer, prostate cancer being one of them. Additionally, the growth of cancer is different from natural cell growth. The cancer cells persist to grow at the same time developing new cancer cells rather than dying. These cells multiply into other body tissues, in contrast to the functionality of the normal cells. It is because of this fundamental reason of, out of control growth of the normal cell, and multiplication into other body tissues that forms

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