
Should Vaccines Be Required Essay

Decent Essays

Whether or not vaccines should be required for children has been a heavy topic for debate especially over the past decade. With ever evolving illnesses seeming to particularly be attracted to children ( Because their immune systems are not capable of fighting off the attacking cells ) the need for action has become more and more apparent. Although there has been a lot of disagreement on the subject of vaccines, The answer is plain and simple. Vaccines need to be required. Not for the good of just the child involved, But the community as a whole.
Growing up, There was at least one time where you had a doctor’s visit and had to be given a vaccine, or a shot. Whether it was for the flu, Chickenpox, or measles, You were introduced to shots as follows: They may hurt for the moment, But they protect you. This statement in my opinion is correct. Vaccines can save children’s lives. The American Academy of Pediatrics made a statement after researching: “ Vaccines are 90-99% effective in presenting disease”. The US department of Health and human services said “Vaccines are some of the safest medical products available”. The CDC or Centers for disease control estimated that 732,000 American children were saved from death and 322 million cases of childhood illnesses were prevented by vaccination.
People or groups against required children vaccinations are adamant that vaccines are dangerous because the ingredients used are harmful. Which is very true. For example, In the Varicella

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