
Pros And Cons Of The Missouri Compromise

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The Missouri Compromise of 1820 impacted the United States in ways that changed the nation as a whole. Two states, Missouri and Maine, had different requests that triggered the slavery argument. Missouri had requested to become a slave state, whereas Maine entered as a free state. At this time, tensions grew between the people as a result of pro-slavery and anti-slavery issues. The Missouri compromise was a temporary solution to the questions people had about slavery and territorial rights. As a result, the compromise stated that no slavery would be permitted north of the 36°30’ latitude line. National politics were severely impacted as arguments began to grow over slavery. The Missouri Compromise negatively impacted the United States’ national politics, slavery, and the overall unification of the nation. The Missouri compromise was the government’s decision to divide the nation in an effort to solve political rivalries between the northern and southern states. Unfortunately, this compromise only created more tensions around national politics. Missouri contained about 2,000 slaves and because slaves added to the state’s population, slave states had more representatives. This was a major issue because now that the division was made between slave states and free states, the free states were facing a drastic disadvantage. There are a large amount of slaves only in the South and there are fewer slaves as one moves further north (Document F). Cleary the North was at a

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