Finding Yourself The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test provided me with unexpected results. The test showed me that I am more of an extravert over introvert, I have a “slight preference of sensing over intuition”, I have “no preference of thinking over feeling”, and I have “slight preference of judging over perceiving.” These results surprised me slightly while also telling me things I already expected. The pros of this test were that I already knew the majority of the results. The fact that I’m classified as an extravert proves my social skills. Often times, I tend to socialize with my peers and find comfort in friendships. Being able to communicate easily translates into being able to lead in organizations in my community. Although, that
In my research on the reliability and validity of the Jung Typology Test, I found that the Jung Typology Test has been validated on a test sample of 1000 individuals, ranging in ages from 18 to 70 (Humanmetrics, 2016). The validity statement did not provide information on the gender or ethnicity of the individual respondents, which could affect the test validity. The majority of the reliability correlation coefficients (including Test-Retest and Split-Half) are over .70, indicating an average to good level. In regards to type frequency, ISFJ (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) held the highest estimate at 13.8% and INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) was the lowest at 1.5%—it is considered among the rarest types in the general
Upon completion of the Jung Typology Test, I realized that I fell in the middle of two of the types listed. I received the results for Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging (INTJ). My results by percentage were Introvert (9%) iNtuitive (9%) Thinking (3%) Judging (28%). The second type was Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging (INFJ) because I received three percent in the Thinking category. After reading the descriptions and career choices, I feel I am more related to the INFJ than the INTJ. Knowing my personality type assist me with school because it explains my need to understand what I am trying to write about before I write it. It also explains why I feel as if I am an Introvert at home and at times I have feeling of being an Extrovert.
According to the Jung Typology Test, my four letter personality type is ISFJ. I was not surprised with my results at all and found them to be very accurate and represent me as a person. As an introvert, “I often prefer doing things alone or with one or two people (CITE). As a student, being an introvert is a disadvantage for me because I do not work well with large study groups and instead rather lock myself in a room and study alone. With sensing, “I learn best when I see how to use what I’m learning” (CITE) and only complete things using what I know from experience. By only using my experience when completing assignments or school work hinders my experience as a student by limiting my ability to learn new material. Through feeling, I tend
Within the Jung Typology Test (JTT) it states that my type of personality is introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. The results indicated I am an introvert over extrovert, the score showed 56%. There was a marginal or no preference to sensing over intuition at 1% for this result. Moderate preference to feeling over thinking at 25%, and a strong preference to judging over perceiving at 78%. So this is saying that I am an introverted sensing with extroverted feeling.
After taking the “Jung Typology Test”, I was given four letters that would describe my personality type. According to the website, my personality type is ISFP, which translates into Introvert (3%), Sensing (12%), Feeling (31%), and Perceiving (22%). I plan to discuss my Introverted personality trait using the COGNITIVE perspective; I will discuss my sensing personality trait using the PSYCHODYNAMIC perspective; I will talk about my feeling personality trait using the BIOLOGICAL/NEUROSCIENCE perspective, and I will discuss my perceiving using the BIOLOGICAL/NEUROSCIENCE perspective. To have the personality type ISFP, this means that I am what most call an “adventurer.” “ISFPs live in a colorful, sensual world, inspired by connections with people and ideas.
After taking the Jung Typology Test, I was scored with the personality type of ESFJ. The E stands for Extravert, S stands for Sensing, F stands for feeling, and J stands for judging. I have a “slight preference of Sensing over Introversion (6%),” a “marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%),” a “moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%),” and a “moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (25%).” One of the components to my personality type, ESFJ, is extraverted feeling. Within the results, there is a description that gives an in-depth explanation of the quality.
Hello, I’m Joshua Dudley and the results I got for my Jung Typology Test was on point for the kind of person I am. In the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test my letters were ENFJ. ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship (butt). All of the letters have different meanings. (E)- Extravert (34%), (N)- iNtuitive (9%), (F)- Feeling (19%), and (J)- Judging (28%) and these for letters ENFJ make up the type of person I am. I also had to find a two letter temperament for my personality. The two Letters I think that fit me is (NF)- “The Idealists” which my primary
I was an ENFP type on the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test. My results were 28% Extravert, 12% iNuitive, 44% Feeling, and 3% Perceiving. I agree with the majority of the findings. I am definitely an extravert. When I was very young I always tried to find something I liked or something unusual about the cashier or sale person so I could comment on it. I would say I really like your rings, earrings, hair, etc. I did this because it made the person smile and she would usually start a conversation.
The Jung Typology Test revealed my personality type to be an INTJ personality. This reaffirms other assessments taken previously. I found the INTJ assessments provided as support material for this assignment to be highly accurate. My personality is a major part of how I relate to people, whether it be my family, friends, or co-workers. My introversion, once thought of as a weakness, has been embraced recently.
Knowing and analyzing your personality test is like taking a picture of yourself while in front of a mirror. Taking the time to make an honest assessment of your personality and how that affects others around you is an intimidating self-reflection. Before to taking the Jung Typology test, I expected generic results, but once reading the test questions and receiving the results I was hooked. Uncovering my personality preferences allowed me to understand why I gravitate to certain activities and norms in my personal and professional life. Edgar’s Personality Type
According to the Jung Typology Test it says that my personality type is extraverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. Also according to the test another personality type may apply to me, which is introverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. The results indicated that I’m extraverted over introverted by 1%, which means I have marginal or no preference. I am intuitive over sensing by 6%, thinking over feeling by 16%. I have a moderate preference of judging over perceiving by 25%.
Jung typology test has become something that organizations have been using in order to assist with determining the different personality types where individuals are concerned. While this is not the first time I have engaged in this kind of personality assessment, there is a welcomed refreshment to be reminded about who I am. The results from the human-metrics typology test by Jung revealed that I am the INTJ type. In breaking down the letters and the categories this is the result.
As someone who reads my horoscope everyday and loves the Myers Briggs personality test, I was eager to take the Jung Typology Test. As I took the test, it made me question myself as a person and the actions I make. Would I rather stay inside for the night and read a book, or go to a party? Honestly, the answer depends on the day and my mood. I scored an “ENFJ” for my Jung Typology Test, and I was not shocked by the results.
I was very happy to have been given the opportunity to take these self-assessment tests. I always had an idea as far as what my personality is defined as, but it’s interesting to see where my strengths and weaknesses are. With the Jungian Typology test I scored 59% Introvert, 34% Sensing, 19% Thinking, and 31% Judging. After receiving this score and reading how each is defined, none of this surprised me. Sharing the results with my mother, her response was, “No surprise there!” I have always tried having some understanding of my personality in hopes of finding the right career path for me. I must admit that this has opened my eyes to how detail oriented and focused I can be, especially if it’s something I care about. This can be both good
One of the two self-assessment test that I’ve taken is the “Jung Typology test”, and it gives me my results back about my personalities. Those results are ESEP (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) and these results are very accurate, because most of the time I’m very apprehensive when it comes to reality that is superficial through senses. By feelings, decision-making in concentration of individual beings, is supplementary to sensing. By thinking, prepare to pursue authorization of the unassailability of problematical making decisions. These types are the key for easy communication such as, coming up with trusting relationships and having a group of connections. The second test that I’ve taken was the Interest Profiler, and my results came out to be Social and Investigative. Social is being a helper, enjoy helping people, working in groups with others, and have verbal and communication skills come naturally. Investigative is being a thinker, enjoy learning, and prefer working on my own pace. These results are accurate, because even though I like working