
Pros And Cons Of The Atkins Diet

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When you want to lose weight, you will be exposed to lots (or too many) varieties of diet plans Each claim the best method to help you get rid of extra pounds. The more the options are, the more you get confused about which one you will choose. Before you decide which diet plans are suitable for you, here are some popular diet plans, with their definitions, pros, and cons. • Atkins Diet Definition: The Atkins Diet encourages us to eat lean protein and low-starch vegetables and not to consume simple carbohydrates such as sugar and flour. Moreover, this diet plan involves a reduced glycemic load (carb content) to maintain your blood sugar level at healthy pace. Theoritically, consuming less carbohydrates enables your body to burn more amounts …show more content…

Just because our ancestors ate that and did not develop any serious illnesses, that does not mean that we should follow what they ate. A small study indicated that Paleo diet increased glucose level over 12 weeks compared to Mediterranean diet that includes grains, low-fat milk, and oils. However, it is still uncertain whether the result will be the same in a larger study. • The Mediterranean Diet Definition: The Mediterranean diet is based on eating habit in the region. This diet plan is one of the most favorite topics for researchers. Mostly based on fresh ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, and complex carbs such as whole grains, sometmes you can include fish, poultry, meat, and chicken a few times a week or month. This is the most colorful diet program that everyone loves. Pros: Most people love this diet because it is simple and includes all groups of food.It is also low-fat, and healthy for your heart (according to some studies). Moreover, other studies also stated that Mediterranean dieters have less risk of developing cancer than followers of a typical American diet. Cons: So far, no specific concerns about this diet. However, pay attention to your calcium intake as this diet limits dairy product’s consumption. You can find calcium-rich veggies such as kale, broccoli, or spinach. Or if you want to drink milk, find the low-fat one. • South Beach

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