
Pros And Cons Of Tariffs

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Pros and Cons of Tariffs
Principles of Macroeconomics
Columbia Southern University
Angelo Jones

Managing the how goods and services enter or leave this country (import/export) is an important process that allows for us to control the economic status of our nation. Sometimes imposing tariffs on the goods imported balances our labor cost, resources and government supported industry. A tariff by definition is a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
Economic policy of nations and states, tariffs are tools used to control the flow of goods, services and resources being brought into the country. The overall purpose is to create security for the domestic industry from the imported product. These products can sometimes be less expensive to purchase than the goods being manufactured in the local economy. (McEachern, 2015) The government does this either stimulate or deflate trade with other countries. (Fontinelle, 2012)
There are quite a few forms of tariffs that the government may apply based on the condition of the country’s economic welfare. The pros and cons of these forms of tariffs will be reviewed. Discussion on how these tariffs positively or negatively affects the economic stance of the country will be displayed. Tariffs such as the ad valorem, the taxing a percentage of the value of an item and the specific tariff or tax which is a set amount based on weight or sum of items. (McEachern, 2015)
The revenue tariff

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