
Pros And Cons Of Gentrification

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What would you do if you or someone you knew was forced out of their home because they couldn’t afford the rent and their neighborhoods were changing economically; this is called gentrification. Due to gentrification, many changes are occurring to the people and homes that are in those neighborhoods. According to, “Gentrification is a general term for the arrival of wealthier people in an existing urban district, a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in the district's character and culture. The term is often used negatively, suggesting the displacement of poor communities by rich outsiders” ( One area where gentrification is currently taking place is the city of San Francisco in the Mission District. …show more content…

In this area there was gangs and trap houses but now there were small businesses and higher income people who were moving in and changing the neighborhood. Gentrification has happened, is happening or will happen in the United States and it is inevitable due to the government supporting it and the power that money has in these regions. Although gentrification does have some pros, it also has some important cons; the first con is the hidden cost that comes with gentrification, the second con is the rents being raised which leads people to becoming homeless. This paper will show the history, effects, benefits, and solutions like putting limits to when and by how much the rent can be raised so that people don’t become homeless. This is not the right time for gentrification because levels of poverty are high and the amount of people in debt is too much for gentrification to occur at this

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