PROS OF GADGETS Nowdays, almost everyone believes that technology has made life easier and more comfortable and that it has enabled us to perform tasks that we could not do otherwise. Besides, our life is surrounded with the variety of technology products and this technology has been growing rapidly until it become an important part of our life such as gadgets. For example the technological devices such as smart phone, tablets and others are no longer foreign to us. Most of us today are treating this things as a necessity in daily life. As people are having more money in their hand event the children also which get some extra pocket money from their parents, they started using a chunk of amount on purchasing the latest modern gadgets. In addition, for them is very important to catch hold the latest gadgets …show more content…
That why some people are addicted to the gadgets and keep constant track of what is happening in the area. We need gadgets because by having it we can do many kind of thing. For example, we can promote our business, to have some creation and help us get through our daily activities. The gadgets also made our lives much more easier for home makers, businessmen, student and entrepreneurs as they can monitor and work while they are away. Gadgets are not useful only for doing our work but they can be a great source for entertainment such as music player, televisions, i-pad, i-pods and others. Other perspective say that there are also cons of using the gadgets, but in fact there are many pros of using the gadgets rather than cons. In my opinion, there are many pros and benefits that can are very useful for us if we use the gadgets in correct ways. There are some pros of using the gadgets which are increase productivity, easy
From cell phones and CrackBerries to iPhones and laptops, technology has become such an integral part of our daily lives, we wouldn't know how to live without it.
To begin with, one disadvantage of technology would be the effect it can have on oneself and others around them. Technology can envelope people in ways that they feel as it has become the one thing they need. In the short story “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury, the children are spoilt with technology, specifically, a nursery that changes into any place they wished to play in. However, the
In times like these when, what seems like every month, a new gadget is coming out, we rely more and more on these things to get us through life. Some of these gadgets and the technology that comes with them have become such a huge part of our lives that we almost don't know what to do anymore without them. We depend on this technology to navigate us from one location to another or to even communicate with family and friends. Are these gadgets really helping us and making life easier or are they hindering our basic human ability to communicate effectively with each other and perform manual tasks that we rely on these machines or other technology to perform for us? In his essay, A Nation of Vidiots, Jeffery Sachs suggests that excessive
Technology is something that we can’t live without in this fast paced world. It is essential in our everyday life. For instance, we use it as a way to communicate, to check up on social media and for work. Many tasks are done with the help of technology. It is such a big part of our lives that we change the way we live, in order to complement with it.
Technology aids us in almost every task, from doing to work to traveling to distant worlds. It’s an interesting set of advancements that have produced some pretty amazing results. Much of this information is available for the taking, free of charge. Never before has humanity had such unfettered access to such a wealth of information. But it’s really the everyday gadgets and gizmos that impact our personal lives the most,
The majority of society has adapted to the technology-rich world that we live in. After all, an important aspect of a good electronic is its user-friendliness and adaptability. We have taken advantage of all technologies improvements in products and services. However, in the future, technology will provide much more than just products and services. It will provide autonomous transportation and engrossing entertainment. It will also enhance education, ameliorate the healthcare industry, help the environment, grow global economy and much more. Technology will have a vital
Technology is very odd because it allows users to have access to a vast amount of knowledge, but it can isolate and disconnect them from the real world. People are surrounded by technology as soon as they wake from their alarm clock to staring at their phone when they go to bed. It seems no matter where you go, everyone has some sort of electronic device on them. Over the past decade, technology has been rapidly evolving to help the advancement of society. Consequently, this creates an urge in people to join the ‘band wagon’ in owning their own piece of technology.
People in today’s society have a psychological need for electronics therefore we release more every time we have a chance, what researchers are trying to figure out is, are the effects of using electronics helping or hurting our society. Mangan informs the reader that “while having the latest and greatest electronic devices can be fun, necessary, or both, our addiction to them comes at a high cost to ourselves and our planet.” Ramey agrees with Mangan saying that “Technology and a human life cannot be separated; society has a cyclical codependence on technology. We use technology; depend on technology in our daily life and our needs and demands for technology keep on rising.” However, he also gives examples of how they are useful. Ramey goes on saying “It’s poor application has resulted into the
As times change and humans progress ahead with new innovative ideas to enrich the quality of human life, often the main essentials to basic human life are forgotten. The introduction of smartphones leads to a crisp experience for the user to have an on-the-go computer. Social networks like Twitter and Facebook, and short and simple games, now replace those once bored moments. Consumers are more focused towards the extra luxurious qualities than the sole purpose of connecting those of longer distances. The main selling points for these products no longer include safety, emergency use, and security, but instead how one will be more connected to the outside world. With these new creations of technology, the concept of what technology may do wrong to society gets overlooked (Johnson.)
Throughout the evolution of mankind, we made discoveries that change the way we live our lives today. Over time, these breakthroughs demonstrate the progress succumbed by the human race as challenges arise. Nevertheless, technology is a significant factor to the progress in today's world. If there was no tech then there would be no cell phones. Cell phones are one of those vital pieces of tech we use frequently. Tech is always around us. Humans create things to make life easier and resolve a once difficult task at hand. Moreover, inventions brought up in the past make the present and future bigger and brighter because of how much simpler life becomes. Because of the technological advancements
Before, I entered high school I was a tech wiz like I built computers and fixed computers to help start my fire for interest in computers. Now that I am near the end of my high school years, Knowledge Matters has increased my interest in business and expanding my liking towards new technology like the latest gadgets and gizmos coming out today. In addition, many of us take technology for granted and don’t think about the important aspect technology is in our daily life. For example, I remember when I had to write everything out by hand in my earlier youth, but when a computer was introduced into my life I never would have went back to hand writing my papers. Also, technology continued to light my fire for interest by creating interest in the web and programs that I use daily in my life.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 1860’s, people have rapidly improved people’s lives with technology. The first generations of computers started the base of computers and their system. These generations were influenced by inventers like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Steve Wozniok facilitated the computers, tablets, and smart phone we use today. With tablets and smart phone being so accessible it is no surprise that computers are not as popular as they used to. Many people would prefer to have an item that can fit in their back pocket or bag, instead of having to carry a big, space consuming item. They would rather have a hand held tablet and can fit almost any where somebody needs it to. Everywhere there is technology;
“In the 20th century, we had a century where at the beginning of the century, most of the world was agricultural and industry was very primitive. At the end of that century, we had men in orbit, we had been to the moon, we had people with cell phones and colour televisions and the Internet and amazing medical technology of all kinds.” These are the words of David Gerrold, an American writer. His words show how much the world’s technology has grown. The world has entered an information and technology era. This means new information and ideas are spread every day, along with new technologies continuously rolling out. Many students now carry their own tablets (or sometimes laptops) distributed to them through their schools, or are allowed to bring
Technology occurred before the human kind and it has improved people’s lives positively and negatively. The influence of technology is really great that it has absolutely changed our lifestyle. Computers, the Internet, Gadgets all these things have transformed our working system completely and our productivity has increased unbelievably. As everyone knows with every positive that have to be a negative, technology is really great, but it also has a huge affected every part of family life. We are spending more time indoors than we are outside. The time we spent on the computer, watching TV, and other electronics drive is about 8 hours a day. During this time, we are usually spent alone and not with the rest of the family. With all the electronics drive, we currently have, we don 't need to get out of the house anymore, you can do everything from the luxury of your home. Almost everything revolves around technology now. Don’t get me wrong, I love computer and all the technology we have now, with every new invention coming out I have them all, Apple Watch, iPhone7 Plus, iPad, new Apple TV, and new headphone, most of my product is around Apple because I love the company they produce a good product, good design, and it last for a long time. On June 29, 2007, about 9 years ago, when the first generation of the iPhone came out, people will wait outside the stores to buy it. The estimated sales of this first generation iPhone were around 250,000 and 700,000 units in the first weekend
Technology has, since the primitive years, always been used to invent tools in order to solve problems. This would, in turn, simplify and make man’s life easier. Through advancements in the field, man has become more efficient on both the macro- and microscopic level. Anything nowadays can be attained with either the flip of a switch or a click of a mouse. One particular technology that came about in this time was the smartphone. Since 2008, the smartphone, a device that combines a normal cell phone with a computer, typically offering Internet access, data storage, e-mail capability, etc. all in your hand was deemed as ground-breaking technology and created one of the largest and most competitive market in terms of