
Pros And Cons Of Alk

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ALK (Anaplastic lymphoma kinas) is part of the leukocyte kinase receptor superfamily. It is made up of three different domains: the extracellular domain holding the N-terminal region and the ligand-binding site for pleitroplin,midkine, the transmembrane and juxtamembrane are holding thee binding site for phosphotyrosine-dependent and finally the intracellular tyrosine domain has three phosphorylation sites and the C-terminal sites for phospholipase C-gamma and Src homology 2 domain containing SHC1. ALK is responsible for the regulation of cellular growth and when mutated, translocated or overexpressed , it can lead to neoplastic transformation2. To slow down the neaoplastic transformation for becoming a cancer, many drugs had been designed

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