
Prometheus Bound 'By Aeschylus'

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In Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound, Zeus is portrayed as a brutal and vengeful tyrant. His tyranny is mostly shown through the punishment of Prometheus. Zeus saw Prometheus giving humans fire as betrayal and as revenge, punished Prometheus by pinning him to a rocky mountain in the Caucasus. Instead of carrying out the punishment himself, Zeus had Might, Violence, and Hephaestus (who was also Prometheus’ friend) carry it out instead. As stated in lines 13-18. Hephaestus was against punishing Prometheus in such a violent, tortuous way, however, he still did it because he feared Zeus. Prometheus was bound in an open area, where other gods could easily come to watch. Binding Prometheus in such an area showed Zeus’ tyranny because like any other tyrant, Zeus was able to instill fear into the other gods by showing what could happen if they betrayed him. As mentioned in lines, 427-430, Zeus’s harsh tyranny is also shown through the punishment of Atlas. Similar to Prometheus, after betraying Zeus, Atlas was forced to carry the sky on his shoulders.

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