
Production and Operation Management

Satisfactory Essays

Production and Operation Management
Cheng Guoping

Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Production System
2. Production and operations in the organization
3. Function and jobs of POM
4. Decision Making in POM
5. The emergence of production and operation management

1. Production System
Production and operation management (POM) is the management of an organization 's production system, which converts input into the organization 's products and services.
1.1 Production system model
Inputs conversions subsystem output

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Figure 1 A production System Model
2. Common ground and differences between manufacturing and services

1.2.1 Common Ground: • Entail …show more content…

Production and operations in the organization

Figure 2 Basic management responsibilities

3. Function and jobs of POM

3.1 Functions • Manufacturing--cutting, drilling, milling, etc. Or Teaching, farming, packing, consulting, mixing, etc. • Transporting • Storing • Plant maintenance and management • Material management • Quality control, etc.

Table 2 functions of POM
|Planing |Capacity |
| |Location |
| |Layout |
| |Projects |

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