
Product Review And Buyer Analysis: Pandora Jewelry's Jewelry Empire

Decent Essays

Part 2 product review and buyer analysis
In the past 20 years, Pandora Jewelry has successfully built up its jewelry Empire. From all over the world, annual sales of about 63 million pieces of PANDORA jewelry. In 2014, PANDORA Jewelry had the corporation with the Disney and makes the Disney characters fit into the jewelry design. PANDORA Jewelry released the results in the first quarter of this year (as of March 3, 2015), sales surged 36.8% to 3.5 billion Swiss francs, continuation of the growth in the last quarter and the double-digit growth momentum shows in all areas.
According to PANDORA Jewelry Asian-Pacific regional sales, the year-on-year growth is more than 34.9 percent. Pandora's new CEO Anders Colding Friis said, PANDORA this year …show more content…

Its strengths are to know how in the context of globalization, effectively integrate resources from all over the world. Pandora jewelry is design in the Italian and then produces the product in human costs relatively low place, Thailand. So the price would be acceptable for petty bourgeoisie. According to customers’ personal preferences and ideas, they can choose from the more than 800 kinds of handmade sterling silver and 14k gold tags and select the style free collocation with commemorative value or significance. Nowadays, customers are more likely to purchase unique products that make meaning for themselves and PANDORA Jewelry fit in the market provide a high-involvement purchase experience to customers. Since PANDORA Jewelry corporation with Disney in product charm bracelet and sell products in the Disneyland which successfully attract the customers of Disney fans and increase the brand awareness. Because PANDORA Jewelry is fast fashion brand and its customers most come from petty bourgeoisies, so PANDORA will focus more on building up its brand image to attract …show more content…

Avoiding costly mistakes. The Pandora Jewelry managers can use the evaluate to make sure whether the promotion and advertising plan is achieving its objective like build strong brand awareness of Pandora Jewelry brand equity in the short-term and build a strong relationship with Guangzhou people and those who has specially memories in Guangzhou. If the execution of the plan did not achieving the objective, the manager can stop sending (wasting) money on it.
2. Evaluating alternative strategies which can help managers determine whether the strategy is effective or not. In this advertising and promotion plan, Pandora should not only use the traditional media like TV advertising and magazines but also use the online properties such as Weibo, Instagram, Facebook, twitter and YouTube to attractive customers. The budget will be allocating to a variety media. According to a study, more and more advertisers are more willing to spend money in social

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