
Proctor and Gamble

Satisfactory Essays

Proctor and Gamble (DRAFT)

Case Discussion Questions
What strategy was Proctor and Gamble pursuing when it first entered foreign markets in the period up until the 1980’s?
• In 1915 opened a plant in Canada to produce Ivory Soap and Crisco
• In the 1970’s P&G entered Japan and other Asian Nations.
• Strategy- P&G entered a nation by acquiring an established competitor and its brands. i.e. case of Great Britain and Japan.
• Strategy- the Company developed new products in Cincinnati and then relied on semiautonomous foreign subsidiaries to manufacture market and distribute those products in different nations. In many cases. Foreign subsidiaries had their own production facilities and tailored the packaging, brand name, and marketing …show more content…

Building global brands in different countries means compliance with their rules and regulations. Costs more $$$.
• Technology is always changing. Is one change enough? Will there be the need to change in the future? Technology is unpredictable thus the ‘predicted’ result cannot be entirely relied upon.

Slide 1: Intro (maybe a youtube link?), with logos of the company’s products (need to familiarise audience with how P&G is associated with them in everyday life). We can interact with audiences and ask if they have used or own any of the products listed. =)
Slide 2: Intro and History of P&G. How did the company come about…Maybe a timeline? And a little summary on why it’s so unique.
Slide 3: Discussion question 1.
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Slide 6: Discussion question 2
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Slide 8: Discussion question 3
Slide 9: List all strategies on one slide followed by limitation on the next! =D
Slide 10:
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Slide 12 etc:

Discussion with class (interaction): Maybe a little handout? With info. Give them a scenario with alternatives. Asking them which STRATEGY is most suitable. Question and answer time at the end and finish with a final point. That should be enough

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