
Procrastination Essay

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Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. Procrastination has a high potential for painful consequences. It may interfere with our personal or academic success.

There are those of us who wait until the due date is a day away. I am not talking about making sure the money is in the bank. I am talking about putting it off because it is a tedious chore that we do not enjoy doing.
Procrastination is a big problem for many, and one that can harm your career. Whether your procrastination causes you to arrive late at work or late for meetings, or keeps you from turning projects in on time, employers do not look positively upon it …show more content…

If this is the case, begin at the beginning, with the first segment, and do it extraordinarily well. But only strive for perfection where it counts. The rest of the time, just do it. Remember, the next time you're procrastinating and can't seem to overcome it, stop and figure out why. Is the task even worth doing? If so, pick the appropriate solution based upon the root cause and you'll whittle away those piles in no time.

Also procrastination can be stopped if you recognize self-defeating problems such as fear and anxiety, difficulty concentrating, poor time management, indecisiveness and perfectionism. Identify your own goals, strengths and weaknesses, values and priorities. Compare your actions with the values you feel you have. Are your values consistent with your actions?
Discipline yourself to use time wisely: Set priorities. Study in small blocks instead of long time periods. For example, you will accomplish more if you study/work in 60 minute blocks and take frequent 10 minute breaks in between, than if you study/work for 2-3 hours straight, with no breaks. Reward yourself after you complete a task. Motivate yourself to study: Dwell on success, not on failure. Try to study in small groups. Break large assignments into small tasks. Keep a reminder schedule and checklist. Set realistic goals. Modify your environment: Eliminate or minimize noise/ distraction. Ensure adequate lighting. Have necessary equipment at hand.

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