
Procrastination : The Problem Of Procrastination Essay

Decent Essays

Many people believe that procrastination is derived completely from laziness but the culprit could be multiple things, including perfectionism. This can become a huge problem for perfectionists, especially perfectionist students. They most likely will overthink projects and put off getting started because they’re afraid they won’t be able to make them as perfect as they want them to be. Luckily this is a common issue among students and there are many different techniques to cope with it. Students can overcome procrastination due to perfectionism by setting S.M.A.R.T goals, creating detailed to-do lists, and by just getting started. Students can avoid procrastination by following the S.M.A.R.T. goal guidelines. All of your goals should be specific (s), measurable (m), achievable (a), realistic (r), and time-sensitive (t). A specific goal is clear, focused, concise, and well-defined (“Ensure Your Success”). Instead of a general goal like “I want to get my degree,” turn that into something more specific like “I am going to get my Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from George Mason University” (“Ensure Your Success”). To make goals measurable, establish timelines and dates so you can measure your progress and stay on track to meet targets. Goals need to be achievable. Evaluate your own work ethic, see what you’re willing to do, and shape your goal around that so you know it is something you’re capable of doing. A goal needs to be realistic, something that you are

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