
Pro Baby Carriers Essay

Decent Essays

Reasons You Should Be Pro Baby Carriers
Summary: This article states reasons you should consider being for baby carriers.
Baby carriers are designed to make the world a little easier for parents. These carriers are intended to allow us the hands free hold, which comforts both parent and baby, without having to stop our everyday tasks.
Baby carriers are unique because they add so many additional health benefits for both the parent and the child. They also get a bad rap at times because of the risk of hip dysplasia associated with improper carrying techniques.
Reasons You Should Be Pro Baby Carriers
There are hundreds of reasons you should support the use of baby carriers. The follow list are some of the most popular.
• Hormone Levels: When people have babies, their hormone levels get out of whack. Mom, baby, and even dad will have fluctuation in hormones that are intended to help parents become parents, and help the baby adjust to this new world. One of the fastest ways to get hormone levels back under control is to indulge in some baby cuddles. In today’s world, it’s hard to find the time to sit around and just cuddle the baby. However, with baby carriers, parents don’t have to worry about finding the time because they can wear their baby while continuing on with …show more content…

People debate about whether mothers should be allowed to breastfeed in public without covering up. While some mothers embrace the open breastfeeding, there are still mothers who prefer a little coverage while they breastfeed. Baby carriers provide the cover that breastfeeding moms need. The wrap, sling, and pouch style wraps are excellent for breastfeeding because they allow you to adjust them without removing the baby from the carrier. All it takes is a little bit of loosening and the baby is then carries in a more natural positions that allows to better latching. Mothers can feel comfortable because baby carriers are very

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