Giving support to the service users is the main principle within the health care sector. In Fleetwood Hall Home, the principle of support should be applied in such a way that it should guarantee and maintain service user’s health and wellbeing. Health and Social care has several segments that provide health care services to people who need it. It uses Philosophy of Careto to support vulnerable people by considering their rights based on the right legislation and code of practice. In addition, the legislation also provides ways to protect patients from harm and abuse.
A person-centred approach used by the services safeguard specific needs of patients. Even though the way of life of care is used to expand and care for patients there is still
In a health and social care setting, health professionals need to evaluate care values and take them into consideration. These care values are based on the way services users should be treated as, for example, services users are expected to be treated fairly and not be discriminated against. The care workers in sectors share a set of care values which follow and set principles based on.
It is important to identify individual’s specific and unique needs so that they can receive the best care possible. Taking a person centred approach is vital, treating a service user as an individual person and acknowledge that
As a care worker you can find out information about the individual by putting the individual in the centre of any kind of planning and supporting. You can do this by communicating with the individual and find out more about their history, preferences and wishes. It is extremely important that you work in a non - judgemental manner. You have to make sure that you don’t discriminate in against the individual. By supporting the individual to be independent, you can also ensure the equality and general practice. You can kindly encourage and empower the individuals
While working with vulnerable groups of individuals in health and social care settings there are times when care workers are faced with a conflict of interests. Very often ethical dilemmas will not have the right answer and will depend upon a number of considerations. When the care worker is faced with a dilemma and will be expected to make a decision. Before making a decision, the care worker must consider their risks to the individual and any other people, the policies of the organisation and if they have all the facts of the case.
Partnering with the patients and the multidisciplinary team provides opportunities for the health care professionals to deliver customised care and health promotion that meet the needs of the individual(Steenburgen etal, 2013). For the better provision of the care, the varying level of independence and interventions in Anne’s care should be recorded (mcCance etal, 2009). The NMC (2015) suggest that all care should be person centred, and the ethical principles such as autonomy suggest that the patient’s right to take decision about their care should be respected. Patient centred approach recognizes the multi disciplinary dynamics and ensures that care delivered in a positive manner which in turn supports the holistic wellbeing of the patient
Speaking earlier this year, Jo Williams, interim chair of the CQC, explained that “radical changes” are needed in the way that care services are operated. She suggested: “This means shifting the culture away from a one-size-fits-all approach to care that puts the needs of individuals and carers at the centre of everything. A key part of this will involve helping people maintain their independence and health.” Indeed, one of the main principles behind
Health and social care is complex and it embodies more than simply performing a skill. Excellent care doesn’t consist of knowledge alone it has to be accompanied with the appropriate attitude and characteristics that relate to feelings, values and the manner in which activities are carried out.
This unit develops understanding of the values and principles that underpin the practice of all those who work in health and social care. The essay consider theories and policies that underpin health and social care practice and explore formal and informal mechanisms required to promote good practice by individuals in the workforce, including strategies that can influence the performance of others. The first part of this essay will consider how principles of support are implemented by using Overton house residential care home to evaluate and explain how principles of support are applied. Key concepts such as person-centred approach and dilemmas and conflicts arising from the
Explain how principles of support are applied to ensure that individuals are cared for in health and social care practice:
Over the years, a number of person centred approaches have been introduced into the care sector. The main one that is used in social care today, is the personalisation agenda, which was published as part of the government policy in 2007. The purpose of this agenda was to allow all individuals the choice and control over their lives and to allow the care they are offered to be based upon their personal needs rather than the general status of any health condition. The term person centred practice, has been developed over the years due to countless investigations into what makes quality care. It can go as far back as the 1970’s when the term normalisation was introduced, and this focuses on changing a person’s environment rather than changing
This essay will discuss Health and Person Centred-Care, what it is, and how in adult nursing field it is relevant and promoted and put in action. Through the factors such as lay health belief, health, health promotion & person centred care. These influence of lay health belief of people’s attitudes and values that will be encounter in the field of practise.
Person-centred care has been used frequently in various healthcare literatures and has been used as a guideline tool to help in the drawing up of several policies in different countries in the world (DH, 2005; EU, 2005; Norwegian Ministry of Social and Health Affairs, 1999.), but there is no conspicuous definition of person centred-care; moreover, Beresford (2011) reiterated this by suggesting that very little effort has been committed into providing a universal and standardised definition for this approach to care provision. On the other hand, according to the NHS Education Scotland (2013), person-centred care is collectively using the individualised personal preferences, values and needs of a client as a guideline to treat them as individuals, respect their dignity, creating a favourable environment to foster trust and understanding, and enhance healthy relationships that will aid in their healing. In addition, the Health and Care Professions Council (2013, pp 7) mandates that health professionals must "understand the need to respect and uphold the rights, dignity, values,
Many children and families will have contact and be supported by other professionals. For example children may go to more than one early years setting or their families may be supported by services provided by a children’s centre. For some families social workers have a leading role in coordinating services as families may need support caring for a child with disabilities or they may have been identified as needing additional support. Some families will need additional support and so a range of professionals will be working with them. In some cases families will have referred themselves to these services and professionals. In other cases there may be a legal obligation for a local authority to support families where children are identified
In this report I will be investigating how care services meet the needs of individuals by firstly analysing the needs of an individual using care services. Then I will go on to explain the roles of the care planning process in identifying needs, and explain the features of a positive care practise. After explaining that, I will analysis positive care environments and evaluate how they meet needs before finally explaining the role of legislation in promoting a positive care environment.
In health and social care settings there are principles which govern the practice of healthcare workers to ensure that quality care is provided for service users. This essay will discuss how principles of support are implemented in health and social care practice. It will also explain the theories that underpin health and social care practice and make some contribution to the development and implementation of health and social care organisational policy.