Proposed Strategies Pricing - Competitive pricing is necessary for the success of the venture, but we must take our costs into consideration. Because of the costs involved in start-up, transportation, and imported goods, the price will be set at about USD $10 per pack of pizza. Using the concept of zone pricing to make the pizza affordable to the target audience. Exchanges will be done in naira so that would be about 1,800 naira. With the use of this pricing policy, Pizza Hut prices will be lower than those of the local Company. Pizza Hut could slide into the marketplace through this penetration pricing policy. Logistics and its costs – Pizza Hut can source its baking recipes from one of the best local baking recipes sellers, the Dangote …show more content…
Promotion - Types of available media for marketing purposes in Nigeria are very similar to those in the United States, which include everything from newspaper advertising to television ads. Since this is a test venture, and there is only a few location(s) being opened, the promotion for the store has to be focused on the target markets. A Billboard advertising on nearby highways could be introduced, making a good awareness medium of the store locations. Also, the social media is an effective medium for ads in the region, could easily capture the younger and even few older market. Inventory Management - The inventory can be controlled using a centralized inventory system. The stores, warehouses, factory and distribution units can be controlled by management. It could also be contracted to a third party company for a proper integration of distribution systems with a pre-ordering system set to avoid inventory crisis and to enable product forecasting plans. Planned Financing Projected Income Statement for First Years of Operation Peter Pizza Projected Income Statement For the year ending December 2017 All values in United States Dollars Sales Revenue $500,000 Cost of goods sold 200,000 Gross income 300,000 Selling and Administrative Expense 35,000 Other operating expense 95,000 Unusual expense - Interest expense - Income
To be successful in today’s business environment, an organization must be able to perform certain fundamentals accurately and efficiently. One of these elements is having an effective and efficient Inventory System Management (ISM). ISM enables one to have the knowledge of where his or her inventory is at every step of the way. This allows one to better interact with consumer and make sales. Choosing the right ISM can lead and pave the ground work for future business success and profitability.
Merchandising inventory is goods that have been acquired by a distributer, wholesaler, or retailer from suppliers with the intent of selling the goods to third parties. (, 2015) When choosing the type of method to use for merchandising inventory it is important for the business to understand what type of services or goods that are being provided. This can offer a better insight to the proper and most cost effective method. When deciding there are four types of inventory cost methods to elect from.
In our analysis, we compared the profits earned by 60 Crusty Dough Pizza Company restaurants to factors associated to their menu, amenities, services, and statistics regarding the restaurant communities. The factors that we analyzed are listed in Table 1.
The pizza market can be very lucrative, therefore it is very competitive. There are low barriers to entry for this market because there is
-at 24% user penetration the option A (pizza kit plus toppings) would allow a margin of $12,570 millions while the option B (pizza only) let a total factory sales amount of $35,137 well below the $45,000 millions basic business requirements.
Axsäter, 2006). In this area only large scale multi-national companies have set a number of
Hometown Pizza has been extremely successful in the United States. As you requested I have looked into our own success and I believe it is now time to expand our business. I believe that it is time to expand our business internationally. In order, to expand our business and help us be successful internationally I have been looking into Pizza Hut and their success. To help understand Pizza Hut’s success internationally; I have chosen the following nations to help better understand their success:
Pizza Hut is one of the flagship brands of Yum! Brands, Inc., which also has KFC, Taco Bell, A&W and Long John Silver’s under its umbrella. Pizza Hut is the world’s largest pizza chain with over 12,500 restaurants across 91 countries
Inventory itself is a list of products that a company has available for sale to customers. So what is Inventory Management? By definition according to, “Inventory Management is policies, procedures, and techniques employed in maintaining the optimum number or amount of each inventory item”.
When it comes to pizza, everyone has an opin ion . Some of us think th at our current pizza is just fine the way it is. Others h ave a favorite pizza joint th at makes it like no on e else. And m any pizza lovers in America agreed up until recentl y that Dom ino 's home-delivered pizza was amo ng the worst. The home-delivery market for pizza cha ins in th e United States is approximat ely $15 billion per year. Domino's, which owns th e largest home-delivery market share of any U.s . pizza chain, is find ing ways to innovate by overhauling its in-store transaction processing systems and by providing other us eful services to customers, su ch as its Pizza Tracker. And
We have seen from the forecast model of the refrigerated pizza kit that the whole-grain refrigerated pizza kit could make a profit, as the $17.07 million exceeds the minimum required wholesale value of 12 million, showing a surplus of $5.05 million. We also have seen that TruEarth has a first mover
Managing what's in a warehouse or on the shop floor can be extremely complex if you're looking for optimal cost and supply chain management capabilities( Needleman, 2017 ). Inventory estimation and control is directly impacted a company’s profitability.
Inventory management has two very different, but effective methods: Vendor managed inventory, and consignment inventory. A company may choose to utilize either of these two methods to manage inventory. If a company is able to manage inventory, they will be better able to work the company's capital to the fullest extent. The following paper will identify the differences between the two as well as identify what type of company is best suited for each method.
Pizza hut is amongst the best fast food chains spread international. They offer wide varieties of pizza as well as include side dishes; salads, wings pasta, buffalo, breadsticks and garlic breads. Moreover pizza is founded in 1958 by two brothers Frank and Dan Carney in Wichita, Kansas and well-known as an American restaurant chain consist over 6000 pizza huts restaurants in the united states and have more 5600 branches in over 94 countries around the world. As the marketing strategy is based on customers centric, customers are being provided the best services, helpful services and create a pleasant atmosphere so as they come back again, as it is believes Pizza Hut make the perfect pizza with extra ordinary menu. Thus the business has adopted value chain activities to operate in a specific industry, by transforming inputs into outputs that value the customers. Customers’ value consists of concept abilities to differentiate products, lower cost and able to respond the demand of customers. Michael Porter was the first introduced the concept of value chain analysis in 1985 and this approach will develop competitive advantage.
Nowadays, in an era that has advanced technology and a place in the world. Everything can be linked only at your fingertips in the times of rapidly developing with the sophisticated technology of today. Therefore, an inventory system is also not lagging behind in introducing a method of keeping an inventory data systematically and safely. The system plays a very important role in improving the competitiveness of a business. Usually, organizations today face too many challenges to achieve the cost, speed and reliability. Efficient inventory system really help in order to make sure the store’s performance and data record is always in good condition and secured from abusers. The system basically to ease the admin to manage the