
Preventing Childhood Obesity

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Research Questions/Hypotheses: Childhood obesity has become a large dilemma all over the U.S and continues to raise each year. This article talks about the research done in Preventing childhood obesity and what works. Focusing on primary prevention of childhood obesity and they chose three parts to aim at. The authors Birch and Ventura suggest that prevention and treatment programs need to be reverse also that although schools create a foundation of health education setting used to increase awareness on childhood obesity, they have had little success. The ones inside of the school systems. With the information that they found, they have discovered a possible solution. By using where the children live as possible settings for intervention efforts, …show more content…

Despite the talks around helpful as well as important information about healthy behaviors is a good thing, they may way to take a different approach. Most try to approach prevention through schools which is a great idea in theory for the reason that kids spend at least 7 to 8 hours a day in school which adds up to 1/3rd of a day, while the other 1/3rd is used for sleeping not leaving much time left. Birch and Ventura seen in experimental research that it may be more helpful if you start healthy eating practices in infancy stage. This is due to one fourth of the children going into preschool are already overweight. These measures are to try and prevent obesity before it starts and can be too late as a consequence can be extra difficult to lose weight while you’re an adult. As stated in the article “by school entry, more than 20% of 2–5-year-old children are already at risk for overweight or overweight, which suggests that a prime opportunity to prevent childhood obesity has been missed.” (Birch & Ventura, 2009) At the age of 5 children know what they like and don’t like, so because of this infancy is the best time to teach healthy eating …show more content…

If a child doesn't learn any good eating habits or to like anything healthy at home, then chances are that they won’t in school either. We have to be willing to take another route on situations if the ways tried in the past do not work. It was also mentioned that children come into the universe with a desire, (“children come into the world with a set of predispositions that is, preferences for sweet and salty tastes, neophobia and tendencies to learn to prefer energy-dense foods that can challenge parents' ability to establish healthy intake patterns in their children.”) (Birch & Ventura, 2009) This can be overcome by modeling to them that there is nothing wrong with healthy food. Infants pick up quickly on anything you show them which is why starting them off young seems like it can really work in terms of getting them used to good portions of food and healthy choices. On the other hand, I have personally seen young parents feed their child whenever they hear a cry, they don't wait to see why the child may be crying instead give them a bottle or food. That can definitely lead to childhood obesity. Though at the same time it might not be as easy as it seems from the parent’s point of view. The article could have also of mentioned that the neighborhoods and

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