
Preventing Childhood Obesity In The United States

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Knowledge on obesity prevention Thirdly, the self-knowledge to prevent obesity is another issue. For the children, their parents’ knowledge of appropriate food will directly affect them, since their schools mainly focus on the academics of the children, and rarely on dietary education. If the parents gain knowledge to pick up healthy food for their children, their children will eat healthier and vice versa. As Cluss et al. (2013) stressed, the parents with low social economic status revealed a lack of knowledge regarding the nutrition values in common food. They just provide their children with any food that is accessible and cheap. Consequently, the children who live in low-income families represented a large portion of childhood obesity. Especially in New York City, the prevalence of childhood obesity is high in Hispanic and Black boys which may be associated with higher amount of children live in lower socioeconomic status and lack of knowledge to prevent obesity. (Thorpe et al., 20014).
Effects of Obesity …show more content…

As Romero et al. (2012) stressed that obesity can increase the likelihood of cardiovascular issues, hypertension, and diabetes, which not only decrease the conductivity and performance of the children in school work, but also brings burden to the whole society. A study from Finkelstein et al. (2014) presented that the average lifetime spending for a child with obesity is around $19,000. When it applies to the total number of obesity children at 10 years old, the amount will be $14 billion. It is already a high number. Imagine calculating the lifetime obesity expense of children, it will be extremely

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