
Pretzels Informative Speech

Decent Essays

Today I’m going to be speaking to you about something very important, something very near and dear to my heart: pretzels. Pretzels are quite simply one of the best snack foods out there – they’re delicious, nutritious, and are just fun. Some people claim that they aren’t fun, that they “taste like burnt cardboard that someone spilled too much salt on” but we don’t listen to those people, because those people are wrong, those people fail to see the true greatness of pretzels. Pretzels can be experienced in a plethora of ways. Even if the classic, ballpark variety isn’t your thing, that’s alright. Pretzels come in hard and soft varieties, there are sourdough and honey wheat pretzels, there are pretzels with cinnamon and sugar and there are pretzels covered in cheese. The number of things you can do with pretzels is limitless. Pretzels are so versatile, that they don’t even need to be just a snack food, they can be more. Pretzels can be a meal, and in some places they have been, in Germany for instance, pretzels can be an important part of breakfast, not just a snack. But pretzels aren’t just food, pretzels are an integral part of who we are. On Super Bowl Sunday, Americans consume four million pounds of pretzels. It was during a football game …show more content…

They were brought here by hard working immigrants, immigrants who would become known as the Pennsylvania Dutch, not because they were actually Dutch, but because they weren’t understood. But this didn’t stop them, nor did it stop the pretzel. At first, pretzels in this country were created in small batches in small towns in the countryside, but soon, just like the rest of the country, they were swept up in the wave of industrialization, swept into big cities, and were popularized amongst the masses. Pretzels are many things: they are the epitome of the American dream, they are a delicious snack, but most importantly, they’re just straight up

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