
Informative Speech

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Title: “Everything is Bigger in Texas, Even the Attractions.” Purpose: After listening to my speech, the audience will be more educated on Texas’s roadside attractions, as well as relate to the sites I will discuss in my presentation. Thesis: We Texans know that our states attractions stand out more than all the other states, because Texas is the only place where you can have a 72-ounce steak in Amarillo, tour a museum filled with decorative toilet seats in San Antonio, and feed a beer-drinking goat in Lajitas. Introduction: Have you ever been on a family trip and wondered if there was anything fun to do? Of course you have, who hasn’t? Well, if you are traveling across Texas, there are hundreds of places for you to tour, sit …show more content…

The Alamo? The River Walk? Or, Barney Smith’s Toilet Seat Art Museum?) II. Barney Smith’s Toilet Seat Art Museum in San Antonio A. Barney Smith’s very unusual collection 1. A former plumber, Barney started to modify toilet seats about 30 years ago. It all started when he needed a place to mount a set of small deer antlers. Apparently, the toilet seat lid was just about the right shape, and he stuck the antlers on the lid. And so it began. 2. Author of the novel, Texas Roadside Attractions: Sites and Stops, Francis Kiefell, “Mr. Smith gets his inspiration for his seats from all over the world. Many of the seats have personal meaning to him, and some depict his travels around the world and important days in his life.” (Now who has ever heard of Lajitas, Texas? Yeah, me neither) III. A. The town of Lajitas and their beer-drinking goat, Clay Henry III: 1. The History of Lajitas, Texas. a. In a town of only about 100 people, Lajitas does not offer much for people to be attracted to. However, if you are on the way to the Rio Grande River, make sure you to buy a 6-pack and head to Clay Henry’s pen in front of the mayor’s house in Lajitas, Texas. b. Once you pop the cap to your beer of choice, Clay Henry, the town’s beer drinking goat will come running, well that’s if he hasn’t had too many already. c. People from all over the world come to Lajitas to feed this very unusual

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