
Hillary Clinton's Speech Persuasive Essay

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With the presidential election right around the corner, many Americans insist on not voting. They see the choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as a choice between the lesser of two evils. They feel as if both presidential candidates are untrustworthy and an adverse depiction of the country. It seems to be a very difficult decision facing the American people today. But as American citizens with the right to vote, everyone should utilize this privilege. After all, the future of the country is determined by it. In Hillary Clinton’s DNC speech, she attempts to persuade the American people that she is capable of becoming the next president.
In her convention speech, Clinton stresses the fact that we are stronger together. She believes that if we all work together, then we will rise together. Her primary mission as president will be to create more opportunity and jobs with good pay. She believes that our country thrives when the middle class thrives and that the minimum wage should be a livable one. She wants to make college tuition free for the middle class and debt free for everyone. She also plans to pass reforms to keep guns away from criminals and terrorists. All in all, Clinton wants to improve the lives of Americans by increasing the number of jobs, providing opportunities for education, and keeping the country safe.
Although Clinton has created an argument with strong emotional and ethical appeals, her failure to support points with evidence weakens its appeal

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