
Presentism In Thomas Jefferson

Decent Essays

We view the past with a filter on it, called presentism. Emily Dickinson views this as dangerous because “[By] imposing Today’s meanings on Yesterday, we run the risk of distorting it.” She finishes the beginning paragraph by saying, “Yesterday has meanings of its own that are prior to and necessarily independent of Today’s.” Thomas Jefferson is the face of independences to schools and streets. Jefferson was not only brilliant, but ahead of his time. But just because he was brilliant does not mean we can associate his kids with the same thing. Jefferson had sexual liaison with his slave, Sally Hemings, and when most people would be embarrassed to be having a relationship with a slave, Jefferson did not care. Fawn M. Brodie published a book that geared her audience to see their affair as love story. Jefferson’s wife had died and he found comfort in a 14 year old girl that made him happy. Though most historians remain unpersuaded, it is hard to reconcile a relationship between him and Hemings because he was so private. It is impossible to ever prove that it did or did not happen but historians believe it does not fit Jefferson’s beliefs. Jefferson took his honor and morality very seriously and if he had done this it would have been a source of shame, however, there is no proof of shame. That is why Brodie presented the material in way that made America take the story to heart, but it is all just speculation. Presentism is not new but has been built up “by the debunking and

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