As I was reading Prenatal Maternal Speech Influences Newborns’ Perception of Speech Sounds I became interested in the hypothesis that states “newborns auditory preferences are influenced by prenatal experience with their mothers’ speech and heartbeats” which makes a lot of sense. We grow and develop in our mother’s womb and studies show that we prefer our mother’s voices to other females and males. This experiment was pretty interesting, but also a bit confusing at the same time. I wasn’t aware of how much goes into a simple experiment like this one. One of the parts of the experiment that I found the most interesting is that hearing for the fetus’s develop in the third trimester of a pregnancy, at the end of this study it was determined that
In the area of collegiate sports, there have been numerous heated debates about the integrity of many things concerning the NCAA and how it handles legal and ethical issues. Two well renowned scholars tackle this issue in their co-authored book entitled
The third study reviewed was written by Shyang-Yun Pamela K. Shiao and Ching-Nan Ou (2007), and is titled Validation of Oxygen Saturation Monitoring in Neonates. The objective of this particular study was to validate whether the clinical monitor was correct in recording oxygen saturations, comparing the results to blood samples.
The prenatal period is when quick changes in the fetal organs are vulnerable to organizing change and stability but also building internal working system to trigger emotional responses (McEwen et al. 2013). It is a critical time for brain development and the PFC (McEwen et al. 2013). It exposes a selection of long -term modifications on brain development and behaviour (Entringer et al. 2009). Prenatal exposure to stress affects hormones in the body including the physiology and anatomy that relate to increasing drug levels, cortical communication and more (Entringer et al. 2009). Fetal stress is any event that interrupts a fetal process in stability in the body. (Entringer et al. 2009). During pregnancy, maternal stress impends the fetal nervous system and shortens the length of maturation due to many issues and concerns affecting the mother (Entringer et al. 2009). During pregnancy, maternal psychosocial stress threatens the fetal nervous system and contracts the length of gestation (Entringer et al. 2009). High levels of placental corticotrophin- releasing hormone
The right of every human to a standard of living that ensures health and wellbeing independently of race, religion, geographic location, social status, and political views , is often viewed as a way of guaranteeing individual dignity and development (United Nations).
Whenever a physiotherapist wants to create a general treatment protocol, she can rely on the ontology to select the exercises for each phase. Once the number of phases of the protocol has been defined alongside the conditions of each phase, a new set of classification rules for the selection of candidate exercises are created. Then, one ontology class is created automatically for each phase of the protocols based on the classification rules (Fig. 35d). For example, class CandExe2FlexGlenoJ represents the candidate exercises for phase 2 of the protocol for patients with limited flexion of the glenohumeral joint. Each of the Mov* classes in the definition refer to the movements that the exercise must have to be classified in CandExe2FlexGlenoJ.
I recently attended a childbirth education class within the Rapid City area, which was held at the Rapid City Regional Hospital. Within this room including 6 tables were 20 people in attendance. The class began with registration and attendance, while participants were encouraged to partake in the fruit and vegetable trays provided, along with the options or juice or bottled water. The leader of the group was a Labor and Delivery charge nurse who began by welcoming each participant and requesting each provide a short introduction. The class then moved on to a power point lead discussion along with several videos embedded within. The class took 1 hour to partake in a boxed lunch that was provided, and then continued with a trip through the hospital
The Queens Library hosts a pre-natal group every Thursday in the months of September to November. The program description is as follows, “Are you pregnant? Come to our prenatal group to learn about pregnancy and parenting.” Registration for the program is not required and there is no cost to attend the program, thus anyone who is pregnant can attend.
A pregnant woman may have special tests during pregnancy to make sure that her developing baby (fetus) is healthy. These tests are called fetal monitoring. A contraction stress test, also called an oxytocin challenge test, is one type of fetal monitoring. This test is used to check the baby's heart rate when the womb (uterus) contracts. A health care provider may do this test to see how well the baby will tolerate labor and delivery. A woman may also have a contraction stress test if other fetal monitoring tests suggest that the baby may be at risk during labor and delivery.
Pregnancy is a miraculous journey in its self. A woman experiences so many changes, emotions, and obstacles while she is growing the newest member of her family. Nine months of planning seems like an eternity of preparation for how fast paced and intense the labor can happen. Once labor begins it can be a very stressful and even scary experience for any mother and that's where the medical team can make the overwhelming experience of delivering a baby easier on a mother. They assume a role over the mother, baby, and even family much like personal guardians. As a mother myself it always takes some stress from my mind knowing there are caring individuals helping me watch over my children and ensuring they are OK.
Prenatal testing is used to help understand the health and state of an unborn child concerning any birth defects or any other health concerns to help families prepare for the child before it is born. Many physicians and families use prenatal testing in order to help determine whether or not a mother will want to continue with a pregnancy if there is “fetal impairment (that) is detected” (1650). This would then allow for the mother to make a selective abortion. While some information is helpful concerning the health state of the unborn child, there needs to be a distinction between acute injury and chronic disability. However, Asch reiterates that the terms “such as ‘heath,’ ‘normality,’ and ‘disability,’ are not clear” terms and that they vary
The purpose of this study is the research is to figure out what type of treatment would be best for prenatal pregnant women with substance abuse, “the cost of prenatal substance use highlights the need for improved screening, referral, and treatment of pregnant women” (E. Sahker Differences in successful treatment completion among pregnant and non-pregnant American women) and the outcome. Thirty substance abuse pregnant women participate in the study. Why pregnant women that use a substance abuse do not always seek treatment? The study will be conduct in a treatment facility or in a therapy style environment. The measurement was before admission and after completion of treatment. The age of the women that would be participate in the study.
The first research topic I am considering is medical interventions in prenatal care. My research question would be “Are medical interventions creating more harm than help in prenatal care and the birthing process?” This topic is a bit personal to me as I have had four complicated pregnancies, followed by complicated births. I believe that if a more natural approach been taken that I may have been spared the traumatic experiences. I intend to argue the point that a woman’s body is built for creating life and that there should be some degree of confidence in the woman’s body by medical professionals. I also plan to argue that the amount of unnecessary medical interventions has resulted in maternal trauma,
When it comes to prenatal Diagnostic testing, I would recommend getting ultrasound to anyone pregnant. At least with the Ultrasound, soon to be parents are able to see the the growth of the fetus. The doctors would be able to tell if there is physical defect which will help doctors see if there are actions that need to be taken. I do not believe that anyone should jump to other testing methods due to the complications it can cause. Unless someone knows there is a history of defects and disorders, fetal medicine has a lot of consequences. Anyone getting prenatal diagnostic need to be aware of the risks they could be taking because these test "result in complications, the most common being premature labor and miscarriage"(Berk, 2012, p. 64).
Being able to reliably detect fetal heart rate as a measure of recognition, and knowing that fetuses develop good hearing by the third trimester allows many researchers to study fetal response to various aspects of language, beyond just recognizing maternal voice, during this time in pregnancy. The two ways to study fetal response to maternal voice is by observing their movement and heart rate. By monitoring when a fetus is at rest, then observing their movement when introduced to a stimuli, researchers can note patterns of recognition (Decasper et al., 1994; Krueger et al., 2015; Marx & Nagy, 2015). The researchers Krueger et al. (2015) used both methods of measurement to study pregnant mothers in their third trimester. The researchers were interested to know if fetuses would respond differently when hearing their mother’s voice live versus when they hear their mother’s voice in a recording. To test this, mothers recited a nursery rhyme two times daily from 28-34 weeks gestational age.
It’s impossible to naturally stop sound from entering the ear; therefore, sound has the power to penetrate the human body with or without the self-acceptance of the human. According to Elena Mannes, author of “The Power of Music: Pioneering Discoveries in the New Science of Song” and film producer of Music Instinct: Science and Song during pregnancy it is obvious that both the fetus and the mother are strongly connected, however it is unbelievable to now know when the mother listens to music the fetus reacts to it. The power of music is visible on humanity even before birth. Correspondingly, the quality of the music being heard by the mother will affect the fetus’s behavior accordingly. With pleasant music, the fetus will have a slower heart rate, however if the music is distressing, the fetus’s heart will experience a faster heart