
Prenatal Care Worksheet

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Development of an infant from womb to twelve months of age
A mothers nutritional status, before and during her pregnancy has a powerful impact on the lifelong health for her child. It is now even believed by some researchers say that “the 9 months of pregnancy are the most consequential period of our lives, permanently influencing the wiring of the brain and the function of organs like the heart, liver and pancreas. They also suggest that the conditions we encounter in utero shape everything from our susceptibility to disease, to our appetite and metabolism, to our intelligence and temperament” (Kresser). The mother’s prenatal care, nutrition, and precautions taken all play a key role in the child’s development for later in life. Since the …show more content…

Prenatal care is the health care that is given during a pregnancy. It is important to have prenatal care during a pregnancy because it can keep the mother and the child healthy. In fact, “Babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who do get care”(Prenatal Care Factsheet) see figure one in addendum. Prenatal care allows doctors to spot any health problems early on when they see mothers regularly. Early treatment of health problems make it so doctors can cure and prevent these problems quickly. Prenatal care can even be started before pregnancy which is known as preconception health. According to Chris Kresser “a mother’s diet prior to conception and during pregnancy may be one of the most important factors in determining the lifelong health of her baby” (Kresser).This means health conditions and risk factors can affect the mother and the child before pregnancy (Prenatal Care …show more content…

During it is important to take “a multivitamin or prenatal vitamin with 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid every day. Folic acid is most important in the early stages of pregnancy, but [a women] should continue taking folic acid throughout pregnancy” (Prenatal Care Factsheet). Folic acid can be found in almost all prenatal vitamins, but you can also get amounts of eat by eating certain healthy foods (Folic acid). These foods include orange juice, spinach, broccoli, and Asparagus (Folic acid). Folic acid is so important to be taken before and during early pregnancy because “it may help reduce their baby’s risk for birth defects of the brain and spine called neural tube defects” (Folic acid). Although folic acid helps your baby’s development while in the womb and should be taken throughout pregnancy, “Folic acid works only if taken before getting pregnant and during the first few weeks of pregnancy, often before a woman may know she’s pregnant” (Folic acid). Also certain medicines during pregnancy should not be taken as they can cause side effects or other problems inside the womb (Prenatal Care Factsheet). X-rays can also pose a problem during pregnancy; the radiation can cause health problems and birth defects (Prenatal Care Factsheet). One very important immunization is the flu shot; pregnant women should be sure to get one. Pregnant

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