
Power In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Power is a term that has significant meaning. As a society, many forms of power have been seen before whether it be positive or negative. A common structure of power is shown in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This form of power is seen as destructive towards the black community as they are treated significantly differently than others in society. In order to maintain power over everything, the black community is silenced through negative social perspectives, prejudicial views, and a lack of opportunities. Firstly, the black community of Maycomb is silenced through negative social perspectives of them. Respect is a moral that is not applied to the members of the black community. To demonstrate, the “Negroes” of the town are expected to …show more content…

White men are seen as a higher class and have a much bigger influence on others. To demonstrate, Tom Robinson is convicted of rape and seen as a horrible person by many whites in the community even when all the facts presented by Atticus contradict it. Atticus explains this to his kids telling them “ in our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins.” and showing his kids the horrible truth claiming “they’re ugly, but those are the facts of life.” (Lee 295). This truth that Atticus explains is a concept that speaks for the way that blacks are set to be inferior to others by giving them set classes specifically lower than the whites. Secondly, these prejudicial views can also be shown through the way the Black community is seen as trash and given bad aspects. When Mrs. Dubose is threatening Jem she compares Atticus with the black community in a crude way. She expresses that “[Atticus is] no better than the n****rs and trash he works for.” (Lee 135). Although this is an example of Mrs Dubose’s crude behavior, it also displays the communities views on the black community and disrespects anyone aiding them. These views toward the black people as “trash” contributes to the contempt that the white community has. By creating these vile prejudicial views and placing the black community inferior to the white, they discourage the black people from standing up towards the level of the whites and creating equal privileges. These big margins between the two communities is what the white people want as it creates a certainty of hope that the black people will never catch

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