
To Kill A Mockingbird Dbq

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What does it mean to have power or to be powerful.The book to kill a Mockingbird a white woman accused a black man of rape.Mayella is a woman and lower class but because she was white it gave her power. Because Mayella was lower class, she was treated differently than other white people.Like in Doc.E where she wasn't treated like a normal woman she was call a girl instead of ma’am because she is poor,or in Doc.C Mayella says “Long’s he keeps callin’ me ma’am nd sayin’ miss Mayella”shows that she isn't used to being treated like a normal woman but as a poor woman. also Mayella gender takes away power,in Doc.B the defendant Tom Robinson is question by Atticus asking what happened at the time the crime was committed “ She reached up an’ kissed

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