1. What sources of power does Joe Swanson have in his dealings with Martha Vandenberg? Give examples of each.
According to the textbook," power is the ability to influence the behavior of others and resist unwanted influence in return" (413). In this case, Principal Joe Swanson primarily utilizes two sources of power over music teacher Martha Vandenberg. The first source of power Joe Swanson has in his dealings with Martha Vandenberg is legitimate power or the power of authority through his title as Principal. While Joe does hold the majority of power in the school, he is not at the highest level of authority and does not possess the most legitimate power as he still has to answer to both the school district as well as the PTA and the Dacron Teachers' Union. In theory, legitimate power should give him enough control over employees to influence them to work harder and hold employees accountable for completing their jobs on time and at an acceptable standard (414). However, in this case, Joe only has limited legitimate power over Martha because Martha has seniority as well as a good relationship with the teachers union, and Joe does not have the authority to fire employees.
Despite the fact that Martha may have some leverage against Principal Joe
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From what I know about motivation I can make a connection between power and influence to job performance and organizational commitment. When used correctly power can positively influence and motivate employees to be more committed to their jobs and tasks they have to perform. On the other hand, the ineffective usage of power can lead to employee's loss of trust in their leader and organization, as well as lower levels of organizational commitment and higher levels of stress in employees
Legitimate Power - Is the same as positional power - obtaining compliance through formal authority. Positional power is external to you. It is your important job title, college degree, etc. It can be taken away from you.
The effects on an individual’s motivation associated with using organizational power in this manner are substantial. To the person, in this case Martha, receiving poor treatment from superiors, it seems unfair. This person is able to make her life miserable because he is in a higher position. There are unwanted implications of utilizing coercive power; according to the textbook, it “tends to result in negative feelings toward those that wield it” (pg. 415). In normal situations, an experienced principal of 20 years like Joe would never use his power in ways like this because it demoralizes employees, but in this case, his aim was to demotivate Martha to the point where she would not want to teach at Cornelius Mercker Elementary
World War I caused suffering, pain, and devastation throughout the world. World War I was from 1914 to 1918. This war had many causes and results which Remarque used to help write his novel, All Quiet on the Western Front. Although many think the causes and results of World War I could never justify any problem, Remarque uses those events to justify the events that happen throughout his novel, All Quiet on the Western Front.
To ensure that matters are handled in a proper and timely manner. Power is distributed throughout the school to principals, vice principals other administrators, teachers, and teachers aides. Principals have the ultimate authority in the schools. Although power is shared in schools control of power is not equal. Nonetheless everyone’s voice is important and needs to make the school more efficient.
One of the first relationships that formed was between the Judge and the Virginian. This friendship is present because of trust. At first the Virginian is only a cowboy who works on a ranch, but he is later hired by the Judge as foreman. At this point the Judge trusts the Virginian greatly. The reason the Virginian is a trustworthy worker is because he he gets his job done efficiently. He also takes it upon himself to never abuse his power. He wants to have employees under him, but he does not want overpower his workers. The Judge has a good and trusting friendship with the Virginian. The Virginian’s workers have this same
Some artifacts are of such vital importance to our understanding of Ancient cultures that they are ultimately unique and utterly irreplaceable (Calvert 2). Many artifacts such as the Funerary Mask of Tutankhamun were permitted to leave Egypt in order to be displayed overseas (Calvert 2). On the other hand, the Palette of Narmer is significantly valuable that it has yet to be permitted to leave Egypt (Calvert 2). However, reproductions can be viewed within various museums. One of the most significant King’s in Ancient Egypt during the early dynastic period was known as Narmer. Many individuals consider him vastly significant as he was the unifier of Egypt and founder of the First Dynasty, thus the first King
Because it’s an Amphora, the jar has 2 handles that start about 1/3 of the way down the piece, go straight up and come back in at about a 45o-50o angle where they meet the top of the jar. As for the body, it starts with a small foot and immediately budges into a propane tank sized body. From there it thins into a neck that stays a consistent size all the way up to the mouth of the piece; the neck is about the same size as a small can of paint. To me, it seems this piece would be an expensive luxury item. The Greco-Roman-Parthian influence on the piece along with the addition of the Egyptian deity, 3D ornaments and bright and unique color seems to be the making of a costume made Amphora for a wealthy Roman buyer that was in the cult of Serapis.
Power relates to influence because in order for a person to be in a position where they have power, others must be dependent on them for one thing or another. The greater the subjects depend on the person, the more power a person has. When one is then in a position of power, they can influence others who are dependent on them in order for the needs of the dependent subjects to be satisfied. Influence cannot be exerted over people who are not dependent on the person, thus leaving that person without power.
When looking at French and Raven’s Five Forms of Power in this situation, you can understand where the power comes from in this workplace (French, Raven, 1960). I see only four of the five forms being actively used in the RetailMax scenario. The CEO, who helped put the company back into a positive growth, has legitimate power since he believes that he has the right to make demands and get compliance from others in the organization. This can be seen as he authorizes another department to make an offer to Cam. Vince Mangini, Vice President of Professional Services (PS), has reward power and is able to compensate Cam for joining his department with a higher salary and a larger bonus. Cam Archer has the expert power and he wields is well. He has become a more-rounded team player and is continuing to gain credibility and experience in the company. And Regan Kessel has the referent power since he has gained the respect of other workers. With over twenty years of experience in the industry, he is a trusted leader. This has been shown by the relocation of the marketing team under his purview.
With many occupations, power and authority go hand in hand. To better explain, individuals who have some form of authority are normally given some type of power so they are able to manage their job more efficiently. That being said, Power as a definition, according to the textbook, Criminal Justice Organizations Administration and Management, Power can be considered more as a tool that is used to get subordinates to do something (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2015, p. 288-290). Power can
Power has been addressed in academic literature in several ways but most commonly describing “power as the ability to control valued resources and administer rewards and
In the world we live in today the roles of power and leadership are often confused. Although they have similar meanings, they can be distinctly defined between the latter. The key difference between the two is the term of effect. Power is the exercise of leadership, and leadership is only defined if you have power. Leadership always involves attempts on a leader to affect behavior or a follower in a situation, whereas power is not equivalent with influence on another person’s behavior. Although power and leadership have similar meanings, they are certain differences that can point out what makes
Power is the emphasis is an employment situation. While employed you have a certain amount of power, both over your work environment and your own life.
Power is having the capability or qualification to do something or control something. The idea of power is often analyzed in the Truman Show and Animal farm. In the Truman Show, Peter Weir suggests that power can be bad and that people shouldn’t have power
The second source of power that influences individuals and organizations behaviors is known as Personal Power. This power focuses more on the individual?s independent nature within the position that he or she has been placed. There are three sources under this power that are apparent in most organizations that are well managed. The first is expert power in which control is based on the knowledge or experience that the individual possesses in the position that he or she holds. Rational persuasion is the power to control behavior by being able