
Possible Learning Book Review

Decent Essays

Visible Learning: A Synthesis of over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement shares insight into the influences on achievement of students. The overall message of the book is that teaching and learning should be visible. Hattie provides evidence based research on high-yield strategies that improve learning. Utilizing a common measure such as effect size, Hattie distinguishes between highly effective, effective, and ineffectiveness of strategies presented within the research. An effect size of 0.40 is the hinge point where the effects of a strategy begin to influence student achievement.
Hattie found the six main contributors that influence achievement are: the student, home, school, curricula, the teacher and teaching strategies. The most …show more content…

All of these can be nurtured throughout the child’s schooling by incorporating challenging and engaging work and providing tasks that push students to think. The major effects found in the parental influences fall in the area of encouragement and expectations that are provided to the children. It is suggested that parents understand and utilize the language of schooling, allowing for conversations and expectations to parallel at both home and school, creating the greatest affect. The school’s most powerful influence over student achievement are climate, lack of disruptions, principal leadership, adaptation of curriculum, and peer influences. Curriculum influences on student achievement occur when teachers utilize curriculum to challenge surface and deep knowledge and understanding of content. Content is best understood when teachers help students construct meaning from text, with planned, deliberate, and explicit lessons. The teaching itself holds influence especially when utilizing multiple strategies, clear objectives are set, and understanding when mastery is reached. Teachers must provide goals and standards for meeting goals in order for a student to have

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