
Popo Monologue

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“Popo is dead.” I always wonder what exact words did those horrible wreck less, worthless, pieces of trash say that made my dear Ixtlaccihuatl lovely beating heart stop. I miss her every day and one day I know one day I will be with her, but for now I have to settle with tear those savages’ limbs away just to beat them with it and I’ll know I’m done when the light fades for their eyes. Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted.
“Popo! Popo! Do you really want to go through with this?” Maximiliano says “I know she was your true love, but do you want to fall off into the deep end?”
All Diego Alejandro screams out loud “What Maximiliano is trying to say is you are going crazy and you need to calm down. She isn’t worth it! Right boys?” Everyone laughs except for me because it was my heart was that shattered, I was lied to, I was the one who lost my true love and all they do is drink and go to war because they have nothing better to do. I couldn’t handle it anymore, I had to let my feelings out. …show more content…

Not important?! I screamed at the top of my lungs. “I will calm down when Ixtla comes back, oh what she’s not coming back because some selfish cowards came and took her away so Diego Alejandro Rodriguez don’t come and talk to me until you know what true love is and when you do find out what love is, you’ll see why I have to do this!”
“But you are a gladiator Popo!” Astral said with excitement “You could’ve anyone girl in this

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