
Pope Francis Religion

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Being a Christian entails a daily effort to achieve holiness and to fight the devil who always tries to bring people into a life of worldliness, Pope Francis reminded the faithful.
Speaking to people gathered for a Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae, Pope Francis said there are no Christians “who do not fight.” He said Christianity entails a daily battle against Satan as Jesus calls His followers to be transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Herald relayed.
Pope Francis expounded the Gospel reading taken from Luke 12:49-53, which says Jesus has “come to set the earth on fire.” He explained that the fire here is the one that causes people to change their thinking and emotions.
“Your heart that was worldly, pagan, now becomes Christian with Christ’s strength,” Pope Francis said. …show more content…

Pope Francis asked the faithful to reflect and think if they have “made room for the Holy Spirit so that he could act.”
In a column on Crosswalk, Second Baptist Church pastor Ed Young also reminded Christians that they are constantly under spiritual attack from Satan. He said people are in a battle for their heart and soul because the devil is always aiming to kill the spiritual life of every Christian.
James 4:4 explains that embracing worldly values is tantamount to becoming an enemy of God because those values align with that of Satan. However, walking according to God’s eternal values and maintaining a close relationship with Jesus Christ will help believers ward off the devil’s attacks.
However, receiving Christ as one’s Lord and Savior does not make a person invincible from the devil’s deceptions. Satan will do everything to pull a Christian away from God, so believers must always resist the devil and submit to the Lord, as written in James

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