Being a Christian entails a daily effort to achieve holiness and to fight the devil who always tries to bring people into a life of worldliness, Pope Francis reminded the faithful.
Speaking to people gathered for a Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae, Pope Francis said there are no Christians “who do not fight.” He said Christianity entails a daily battle against Satan as Jesus calls His followers to be transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Herald relayed.
Pope Francis expounded the Gospel reading taken from Luke 12:49-53, which says Jesus has “come to set the earth on fire.” He explained that the fire here is the one that causes people to change their thinking and emotions.
“Your heart that was worldly, pagan, now becomes Christian with Christ’s strength,” Pope Francis said.
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Pope Francis asked the faithful to reflect and think if they have “made room for the Holy Spirit so that he could act.”
In a column on Crosswalk, Second Baptist Church pastor Ed Young also reminded Christians that they are constantly under spiritual attack from Satan. He said people are in a battle for their heart and soul because the devil is always aiming to kill the spiritual life of every Christian.
James 4:4 explains that embracing worldly values is tantamount to becoming an enemy of God because those values align with that of Satan. However, walking according to God’s eternal values and maintaining a close relationship with Jesus Christ will help believers ward off the devil’s attacks.
However, receiving Christ as one’s Lord and Savior does not make a person invincible from the devil’s deceptions. Satan will do everything to pull a Christian away from God, so believers must always resist the devil and submit to the Lord, as written in James
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy Your consolations. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
In the midst of service, one can often be tossed about by temptations, fear, guilt, doubt and insecurity amongst other emotions. Satan will seek to find areas that express needs in one’s life and will utilize these to maneuver the believer to sinful action outside of God’s will. One then questions how to cope with these attacks. Charles Stanley writes, “The greater question is not “What can we do to avoid attacks from the enemy?” but “How are we to respond to such attacks when they come?” Five suggestions for believers experiencing spiritual warfare amidst evangelistic work
Satan adds more pressure in his attempt to convince Jesus to bow down and worship. He makes Jesus a promise that he would give Him everything for Jesus’s allegiance. In the first place, Satan cannot give what he does not own. He is a liar and the author of deception. Jesus does not fall for the lies and again resist Satan with the Word of God. (Deu 6:13KJV) “Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name.”
As our faith is always trying keep us safe, it also is always within us if we believe. This is demonstrated here as good tries to stay in this everlasting battle goodman Brown states “With Heaven above, and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against the devil!” (350). Just as easy as it is to keep our faith it is that easy to lose it being as goodman Brown completely loses both his faith and, Faith, when curiosity and temptation takeover and evil takes reign in this ongoing battle.
The Christian walk cannot be walked by human effort alone. It must be fueled by the Life of God. Opposition, whether from the flesh or from Satanic influence, cannot be overcome by human energy or enterprise. Jesus warned the disciples of the opposition they would face (16:1-3). He told them they would be reminded of his words by the Spirit and that the Spirit would also convict (16:4-11). The believer must rely on the strength of God within while waiting and praying for conviction to do the work of motivating themselves and others to repentance for wrong doing and poor character. It is the Spirit whose job it is to draw man to repentance through his convicting work. It is by the Spirit that the miracle
St. Francis was a preacher and friar. St Francis is one of the most honored figures of religion in history. He was venerated in many churches including the Roman Catholic Church. St. Francis was a fighter of darkness because he heard God's voice telling him to rebuild the church and for the love for animals.
The most important thing we can learn about the devil, to successfully defeat him, is an understanding of his “wiles” and “devices.” For, being prepared is likely our best defense. Paul said that Satan would have no advantage over us if “we are not ignorant of his devices.” II Corinthians 2:11) and “Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:11), The meaning of the word “wile” is trick and “devices” refer to schemes, and we never know which trick or scheme the devil will use on us.
Contrary to popular views, the devil and his fellow evil angels are real threats and enemies to the world, raging an all-out war against Christians, but it is important to remember that we are not fighting this war alone—God is there fighting for us.
In a world that does not know the Gospel anymore, we must indulge in it, and love our fellow community though they may not share similar values, but find balancing in still remaining in our own values. Though many of times we find ourselves in opposition of the majority of the world, we must exude Christ love onto others as He does to us unconditionally. The author addresses ways in which we are able to live out our faith and still find a place within our community though they may not share similar values.
I chose the article concerning the upcoming visitation of Pope Francis by the title of “A Sacred and Praiseworthy Purpose”. This article speaks about the reason for Pope Francis visit, which is to deliver a mass at the National Cathedral where he is expected to finalize sainthood for the eighteenth century Franciscan Missionary Junipero Serra, whom was nicknamed “the Evangelizer of the West” by Pope Francis (Newcomb, 2015). Pope Alexander VI’s edicts gave credence to the missionary’s worthiness of sainthood as being deemed worthy by carrying out the churches spiritual conquests through the authority of the Saint Peter and victoriate of Jesus Christ (Newcomb, 2015). Newcomb goes on to discuss how the churches detail how the Holy See is in denial
Christians should not be like the Pharisees who do not practice what they preach, but instead should have a humble and fraternal attitude, Pope Francis reminded the faithful on Nov. 5.
Eternally grateful to this incredible man and his novel The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, I have undoubtedly strengthened my faith participation and been positively impacted by simple yet encouraging and profound words. Although I am not the best Catholic I can be, I certainly uprooted in my mind my lack of interest and heartfelt devotion and implanted a new, sparkling enthusiasm and boundless appreciation for Catholicism. Potential shines bright from my being as I am steadily guided down the path to becoming a full-fledged Dynamic
If we fill our mind with the word of God it will be a shield in times of such attack. The Word of God will also respond because the word of God is alive and powerful in our spirit. The word of God is spirit. That is why Paul told believers to let the word of Christ dwell in them richly. The devil was able to make king David to conduct a census against God’s will but each time Satan tempted the Lord He responded with the Word of God. The word of God is a weapon of warfare (1 Chronicles 21:1; Matthew
Millions of Christians have no clue how this battle is staged and engaged. Satan rebelliousness and pride brought a great indictment against him by the Almighty God. We read
Satan comes to man with his temptations as an angel of light, as he came to Christ. He has been working to bring man into a condition of physical and moral weakness, that he may overcome him with his temptations, and then triumph over his ruin. ...He well knows that it is impossible for man to discharge his obligations to God and to his fellow-men, while he impairs the faculties God has given him. The brain is the capital of the body... pg. 236